was it a new beginning?

Start from the beginning

"Don't you think that's a bold stance to take. Do you ever worry about the impact of your lifestyle on those around you, particularly Sid?" Now she was really pushing it.

"Sid can handle himself, darling. He's not some fragile little flower that needs protecting. If anything, he's the one who keeps me grounded. We're in this together, for better or for worse. And believe me, it's been a wild ride so far."


Sid and Vanity lay side by side in their dimly lit bedroom, the weight of their circumstances pressing down on them like a heavy blanket. The anticipation of Tiffany's return with their next fix hung in the air, a reminder of their dependency on the drug to escape their reality, America seemed like an opportunity to get away from everything but things hadn't gotten better. in fact it had gotten much, much worse.

Vanity's voice trembled with frustration as she broke the silence. "When is Tiffany coming back, Sid? We can't keep waiting like this." She moved her hair out of her face.

Sid's response was barely audible, his words muffled by the fact he had his eyes shut and was almost asleep. "I don't know." Tears welled up in Vanity's eyes as she buried her face into Sid's shoulder, her sobs echoing in the confined space of the room. "I hate this fucking life," she whispered hoarsely, her voice laced with pain. she felt ashamed and stuck. like she was in a cycle everyday. That's what heroin did to her. She felt trapped and like every single second, no matter how much time had passed that every moment was on a constant loop.

Sid's arm wrapped around her trembling form, pulling her closer in a feeble attempt to offer comfort. "It's just a rough patch, love. Things will get better when we get to America, I promise," he murmured softly, Sid could barely think of what to say. it was a miracle that he'd even picked up on Vanity's conversation. 

But Vanity's tears continued to fall, her despair filling the atmosphere in the quiet of the room. "We're already in America, Sid," she choked out between sobs, her words hanging heavy in the air like a bitter truth. Sid's expression shifted, confusion clouding his features as he processed her words. "We've been here for a week," Vanity added, her voice breaking with the weight of their reality. He didn't even know where they were...how could he not know?

The realisation washed over Sid like a wave, his heart sinking with the gravity of their situation. In the darkness of their room, Sid got up out of bed, looking at his (To him) new surroundings. 

He stumbled a little as he walked however when he got to the balcony doors he swung them open and the bright, grey light hit him straight in the face. he shut his eyes tightly, feeling a slight ache in his head from the strain he'd just put himself through. 

However once his eyes had adjusted he saw the vastness of where they were. As Sid stepped out onto the balcony, the bustling city of New York greeted him with its cacophony of sounds and sights. The towering skyscrapers stretched towards the sky, their glass facades reflecting the muted sunlight that filtered through the thick layer of clouds.

Below, the streets teemed with life, a constant flow of people and vehicles moving in chaotic harmony. The honking of car horns and the distant rumble of subway trains filled the air, creating a symphony of urban sounds that seemed to pulse with the heartbeat of the city.

Sid leaned against the railing, his gaze wandering over the sprawling metropolis before him. The skyline was a patchwork of architectural marvels, each building standing as a testament to human ambition and ingenuity. From the iconic silhouette of the Empire State Building to the sleek lines of the Chrysler Building, New York City seemed to pulse with energy and possibility.

But beneath the surface glamour, Sid could sense the undercurrent of grit and resilience that defined the city. The graffiti-covered walls, the bustling street vendors, the endless parade of faces that passed by below. He turned his head and saw on the side of the hotel was a large sign in red and orange lights 

The Chelsea Hotel

Despite the chaos and uncertainty that hung over him like a shroud, Sid couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope stir within him. In the vast expanse of the city, he saw the promise of a new beginning, a chance to leave behind the demons of their past and forge a future of their own making.

But would that ever happen?

As Sid stood on the balcony, taking in the sights and sounds of New York City, a familiar sound caught his attention. He turned to see Tiffany's figure emerging from the entrance of the building, a small bag clutched tightly in her hand. Sid's heart skipped a beat at the sight of her, a mixture of relief and apprehension washing over him.

"Tiffany's back," Sid called out to Vanity, his voice tinged with uncertainty. He could feel the weight of their shared burden pressing down on him, the knowledge that their next fix was just moments away bringing a sense of both dread and relief.

Vanity joined Sid on the balcony, her eyes searching the bustling streets below for any sign of Tiffany's approach. "Finally," she murmured, her voice laced with exhaustion. "Let's hope she's got something decent this time."

As Tiffany made her way up the stairs towards them, Sid felt a knot form in his stomach. He knew that their addiction had taken its toll on all of them, but he couldn't shake the feeling of dependence that gripped him whenever Tiffany arrived with their supply.

When Tiffany arrived into their hotel room, her expression was grim, her eyes clouded with worry. "I've got some bad news," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "Mickey's usual supplier fell through, and I couldn't find anyone else."

Sid's heart sank at her words, a sense of panic rising within him. Without their fix, he knew that the withdrawal symptoms would soon begin to set in, sending them spiralling into a cycle of agony and despair.

Vanity's grip tightened on Sid's hand, her eyes flashing with anger and frustration. "What are we supposed to do now?" she demanded, her voice trembling with emotion.

Tiffany's gaze shifted between them, her own sense of helplessness mirroring their own. "I don't know," she admitted, her voice barely audible over the din of the city below. "But we'll figure something out. We always do."

"We need a score for fuck sake!" Sid lashed out making Tiffany flinch. he sighed "I'm sorry...but you know how i get when i get withdrawal" Tiffany gasped a little before speaking. "I could see if i could get in contact with my old dealer." 

Vanity sighed a sigh of relief. "Well can you call him?" 

"I can try" 

"Well what're we waiting for then?" Sid grabbed his jacket and grabbed Tiffany's arm as they went down to reception. And not even an hour later Mickey walked through the door, finding Vanity, Sid and Tiffany sprawled out on the floor, three needles scattered across from them and two bent spoons.

Nothing's changed much has it?

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