"Aniket Sharma. Nice to meet you. You know who you are working with right." He said and I nodded. I thought it will be an old man. Were those all rumours only?

"Relax." He said patting my phone on my hand which was clutching on my bag. I snatched my phone from him.

"Let's talk in a room." He said and took me to 4th floor. I glanced at the guy tied to chair and he covered my eyes.

"It's not good to peak." He whispered and I looked back at him. He signalled me to get inside the lift. Is there no one else besides this crazy guy?

He leaded me to a room and I saw five men and 2 girls. They all were in civils. I bity lip and they stood up passing me a smile.

"Statue over." Aniket whispered and I looked at him like he is an alien.

"Sir stop scaring our new member. I am Viraj." A men said smiling widely and I nodded at him.

"You really think she is scared. I think she must be thinking what a crazy guy is Aniket sir. By the way I am Rina." A girl said giggling at me and I nodded at her.

"That's quite an insult." Aniket said keeping his hand at his chest dramatically with parted lips shaking his head and I rolled my eyes at him.

"I think you made a bad first impression at her. Anyways I am Vikas." A men who looked older said and Aniket laughed sitting on sofa with his legs up on the table.

"I am Ritika. Welcome in our team Anjali." Another girl said smiling at me and extending her hands towards me. I gladly shook hands with her.

"I am Ronik. We will love if you are one of us." He said smiling at me and I nodded.

"I am Salim. Pleasure to have you here." He said with a smile too.

All this time I felt an intense gaze at me and it was Aniket Sharma. This crazy guy haven't seen a girl before or something.

"If we are done with introductions them shall we start the process we actually are here for." Aniket said everyone's head bowed down. They all looked elder than him but a little scared of him too.

"Have a seat kiddo." He told me and I rolled my eyes sitting beside Rina.

"So the mission is to deal with a men who deals with drugs. But he is not someone simple. He is involved in other illegal businesses too. Like human trafficking too. In addition he is a technology genius too. We were suggested with you to help us. I heard you are a great informist as well as hacker but a student. Your studies won't be affected by this that is clear." He said with serious tone and back with his professional look.

"So you want me to track his next deals." I asked and he nodded.

"Not all at the same time but one by one. We will close all his illegal things but he is good at putting facades so I want you to tell me the faces he might chose of with your skills. I have someone as a computer genius but he is not available at this time. He will be back after sometime so until that time I want a hacker to fill his place at the moment.Here are some files which may help you to know what his next maybe." He said passing me the files and I read it. These files are his facades too though. I frowned at it.

"Are you sure these are latest?" I asked him after a good one hour. He nodded.

"This is a facade of his too. If I am not wrong then he is planning to deal something important to one of these five places by distracting you with a scapegoat." I said and his eyes widened and others widened their eyes too. He went out of room and those five men followed him while the two girls with them took me out of the building.
They took me to a car. I saw them coming run towards me too.

HIS OBSESSION (Book #3 Love Series)Where stories live. Discover now