Chapter 7 - tour bus shenanigans

Start from the beginning

Y/N furrowed her eyebrows, chuckling. "Of course not." The words didn't come out as confident as the little act. She ran a hand through her hair and sighed. "Scared isn't exactly the word I'd use, but yes, you make me nervous sometimes," she easily admitted. "Such as right now." She didn't feel comfortable enough for Gracie to comment on it so she quickly found something else to redirect the conversation. Her eyes landed on the TV screen mounted in the corner. "Oh my god, not Mr Squarepants again," Y/N groaned out loud.

That day, after Y/N barged into Gracie's apartment unannounced to comfort her, she ended up staying with the singer. They eventually left the bathroom floor and ordered takeouts to eat together. Y/N asked what Gracie's comfort show was and the night ended with the Gracie falling asleep on Y/N's shoulder as Spongebob played in the background.

That night, after watching him for hours, the Y/E/C-eyed girl dreamt of the yellow sponge chasing her with his trusty net while she herself was reincarnated as a jellyfish. She hated Gracie for that. But then again, how could she blame her when she looked so genuinely amused and intrigued by the kids' show?

Gracie bursted out laughing at the story of Y/N's nightmare. "That's actually hilarious, aww," she cooed, ruffling the younger girl's hair. "Did he catch you?"

"Thank god, no."

Gracie couldn't help the smile on her lips. She was too adorable, it was hard to resist. But she also couldn't ignore what they were talking about before the girl expertly diverted the topic. She turned off the TV and turned to face her, earning her full attention. "How long has it been since you got laid?"

"Excuse me?"

Gracie shrugged before leaning forward in her seat, closer to the younger girl. "I mean, you've been constantly working these crazy shifts. When was the last time you've gone on a date or hooked up with someone?" she asked. Obviously this wasn't the ideal reaction or follow-up question she should be asking after Y/N's confession. However, giving in to this sudden sexual tension between them was an absolute no-go. They've just been on the tour bus for a couple of hours, they were supposed to survive this for a year. She refused to believe they just had such great chemistry, so maybe a lack of sexual action could at least account for some of their tension.

Y/N stared at the brunette for a moment, her mouth hung open. She let out a small chuckle. "I'm on dating apps, love," she said slowly. "Okay sure, I haven't been on it for the last couple of months but." She let the rest of the sentence hang in the air and shrugged.

"A couple of months," Gracie repeated, raising her eyebrows.

"I don't like that look."

"I think you should give the apps another go."

Y/N frowned, shaking her head. "We're travelling all over the States. It's gonna be messy, why should I?"

"I'm not telling you to enter a serious relationship. You need to loosen up more, I think a fling would do you some good." Gracie had a very very strange gut feeling that these words will bite her in the ass one day. But for the time being, this sounded like an excellent solution. She couldn't deny that there was some obvious attraction and appeal but it wasn't like she was in love with her or anything. It'd be good to kill this crush before it's properly formed and ruined everything.

Y/N bit her lip, unsure. She could argue that she actually had numerous flings in the past, thanks to everyone's input on her love life. She couldn't even count on one hand how many times people had told her to 'fuck around' because she had been known to get attached to one person too much. It was just an endless circle. "Yeah sure, I guess." Hesitatingly, she pulled up Hindr, her trusty yet traumatising dating app, on her phone. 

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