Chapter 4: Gotcha vs Valva

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3 months later, Ai has let Sherwin stay at her home together with her manager, Ichigo and his wife, Miyako.

Ai has introduced Sherwin to Miyako and she instantly welcomes Sherwin into their family. Ichigo on the other hand, wasn't so much, much less as he remembers the day Ai told him about letting Sherwin become her assistant from now on.

He wasn't fond at all of Sherwin but he tolerates him, much to his dismay. Sherwin didn't really care about his opinion though as his thoughts and protective instincts are solely about Ai and her babies. 

Ai was carrying her baby, Aquamarine, "You're such a good boy, Aquamarine." Ai is just carrying Aqua around while sitting on the couch. Aqua is looking so happy with her mom, Ai.

Until they heard a cry. "Coming!" Ai called out as she stood up while carrying Aqua, walking to the crib next to them to see Ai's other baby, Ruby. Sherwin was just leaning against the wall, woken up by Ruby's cry.

Ai carried Ruby and calmed down a bit. But she stared at her twin brother, Aqua and started crying again. Ai was crying her best to calm her down, "There, there Ruby. I'm here."

Ruby kept on crying until Sherwin walked up to them. "Here, let me calm her down." Ai passes Ruby to Sherwin and in an instant, Ruby calmed down and stopped crying as she was clinging onto Sherwin's jacket.

Ai tilted her head, "How did you do that?". Sherwin just shrugged, "I don't know. I'm just as confused as you are."

"Aqua is so cute in your arms, Sherwin. Like your father." . Sherwin just gave her a deadpan expression. "Seriously, Ai? I'm carrying Ruby, not Aqua."

"For once I have to agree with him. And you call yourself a mother." Ichigo walks towards them with a serious expression.

"I've always been bad at remembering names and faces, so I can't help it." Ai reasons with him.

"But Ai....they have different eye colors...." Sherwin just mutters to her.

"Pretty gross, huh? Japanese men have these illusions about how mothers should be." Ai commented.

"Well, that depends on what kind of men....." Sherwin muttered again.

"Don't get all international on me when you don't even have a passport! Besides, you said you won't go overseas, right?!"

"But you know, I'm able to remember the names of people I think are talented, President Satou."

"My name is Saitou, you damn idol." Ichigo glared at her.

"Calm down, man. At least Ai remembers me. That's fine enough for me." Sherwin assures himself. Ai nodded happily, "Mhm, you are my assistant, Sherwin. And you're special."

"How come she is able to remember your name instead of mine!" Ichigo retorted. Sherwin just shrugged and said, "I don't know. Ask her, not me."

"Anyway," Ichigo pulls out a white board and slams his palm on it. "As of today, Ai returns to being an idol! We're going to be discussing your activities going forward!"

Sherwin was flabbergasted when Ichigo said that, "W-What? Dude, she just gave birth to her kids like 3 months ago, can't you like to give her more time to rest, spend time with her kids or something? Instead of, ya'know, rushing her back into the spotlight?"

"Hush, you. You might be her 'assistant' but I'm still her responsibility." Ichigo argued back.

"Unbelievable..." Sherwin facepalmed while Ruby was looking confused.

Ai just looked at Sherwin with a reassuring smile, "Don't worry, Sherwin. You're still my assistant and you're welcome to help me if I need it."

"The first step of your comeback is a music program tonight." Ichigo explains to Ai. "It'll be broadcast live, but you're up for it, right?"

Oshi No Gotchan-Ko! (SLOW UPDATES)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें