"Hello, Krab," Nanon answered with a smile, without really looking at the caller ID.

Him smiling had been a rare occasion these days, ever since shit had gone down with Ohm but talking to P'Tay always put him in a good mood. Ohm was the last person he wanted to think about, especially after last night.

However, that smile was short-lived as he heard the voice of a panicked P'Kwang on the other side.

"Non..." it sounded like she was crying. No scratch that, more like hyperventilating.

"Phi...what happened? Are you okay?" Nanon was worried now and even Tay was looking as concerned.

"Non, Earth and Mix..." she broke off into sobs again.

"Phi, you are scaring me. What happened to P'Earth and P'Mix?" No. No. This was not happening.


"They what Phi?"

"Can you please come to the central hospital? Please..."

Before Nanon could begin to question her, "Non, please don't ask me anything else."

"Krab" Nanon said and left in a flash, running towards his car. He was sure P'Tay would understand. He always did. He did not need to tell him anything twice.

He drove like his car was on fire and reached the hospital in record time. While driving though, thoughts began to cloud his mind. Were they hurt? What could have happened? Nanon knew they were travelling to Pattaya today for a brief shoot, but did they make it there? No. Nanon should not think like this until he knew what had happened for sure. Another thing that he thought of was obviously Ohm. If something was wrong, no matter what the equation was between them, Ohm needed to know. More like, Nanon needed Ohm to know because he was not sure that if this was something bad, he could handle it alone. But why was Nanon thinking like that? He had to remain positive. P'Earth and P'Mix were fine. He would call Ohm later.

Rushing out of his car, he reached the reception, not sure what or whom to ask for. It was just an unusually cold day in Bangkok, or maybe it was just Nanon's hands that felt like ice. He stood there staring at the nurse, panting and trying to form words, when he heard a voice from behind him.

"Non." It was P'Som. She looked like she also had been crying. Her eyes were swollen, nose red and tear tracks clear on her cheeks. As if that was not enough, as soon as she saw him, she broke into fresh tears.

"Phi." Nanon rushed to her side and immediately hugged her. "Phi, what is going on, why is no one telling me anything?"

"Non," she took a deep sigh, as if to steady herself and said, "Please sit down first."

Nanon was getting irritated now. He had had enough.

"No Phi," he said a little forcefully, "No one is telling me anything, you are crying, P'Kwang was almost hyperventilating. What is going on?" he held her shoulders and shook her a bit.

This set P'Som into more tears and she softly whispered, as if to herself, "They are dead." No. No. This was not happening. This couldn't happen.

"Phi, please stop joking." Nanon said with a smile that did not reach his eyes.

"Non, Earth and Mix, there was a drunk driver..." she could not finish the sentence and she completely broke down in his arms. Nanon could not react. How could he? He just had dinner with them last night.

It was just one of those dinners where P'Mix invited both him and Ohm, to get them to resolve their issues. He always had a belief that what Ohm and he had was special and they should at least give it another chance. He had been trying to get them to talk for about a year now, but it had never worked. Both of them did show up to the dinner every time without fail but could not say more than five words to each other without coming to blows. Last night had ended with Ohm walking out in anger and P'Earth consoling a disappointed P'Mix.

(Ohm Nanon) How to Build A Family.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant