Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

It was the sound of rustling leaves that caused my eyes to peel open. For a moment confusion fogged my vision but I came to realize it was from my window. I pulled the comforter back, a chill hitting my bare legs as I started towards the window. My hand reached for the curtains, pulling them back to see the stretch of backyard then the woods. Although it had been cold, I had a thing about sleeping with the window open since I was young. My mother said I could never sleep well as a child unless the cool breeze of night was blowing in. My eyes trace the lining of the trees, the moonlit shadows playing tricks against my vision. It felt as if something was watching me, just beyond the dark brush and trees. The flash of glowing gray eyes caused me to stubble back softly, had I just imagined it? I move forward again, my hands clutching the window sill as I stare intensely, looking for anything resembling eyes or movement but unlike before there was nothing. "Hmm..,"I mumbled before finally closing the window. If there was someone out there I wasn't stupid enough to give them free access to my house. The window closes with a soft thud before I turn towards the bed, maybe I'd just have to find another way to sleep peacefully tonight.

The darkness surrounding me only seemed to get less and less visible as I walked, my long legs trekking through the low murky water as if I'd been doing so forever. "Hello!" I yelled out for what seemed to be the billionth time, my throat ached with fatigue and my legs were slow and heavy. As I continued, unintelligible voices began to whisper in the distance. "Hello! Please", My voice cracked as if it had finally given out on me. The whispers began to get closer and closer until finally the whoosh of a man's voice moved passed my ear. More began to follow until I could hear them all around me, attacking me as if I was an intruder. "No!...NO! Please-" I cried out.

"Sweetie....Are you alright? It was just a dream," my mothers soft voice reassured me as she held my face to her shoulder, her warm arms embracing me. I breathed heavily, my body reacting as if I'd just ran a marathon. "Just a dream..." I mumbled into her cotton pajamas. She pulls away, her hands cupping my cheeks before pushing the damp hair out of my face. "You're okay," she smiled before standing up, "it's almost 6 anyways you should take a nice long shower before school." She leans down to kiss my forehead before turning to leave the room. "Uhm mom?" I rushed out quickly. She turns to me, a slight twinge of concern lacing her features. "Yes dear?"

"Did you find out anything new at work today? About the animal attacks?", my question stops her for a moment, her smile dropping slightly as she turns to the side. "No, we're looking into more details. Don't concern yourself with such thoughts, if you weren't safe I'd tell you but just don't go near the woods please." Her normally chipper voice dimmed a bit, her request seemingly very serious and so I did what anyone would do and I nodded. She turns to leave before I could ask her anything else and I'm left alone with my thoughts. Me and my mother hadn't ever had the most talkative relationship. I'd always been quiet and kept to myself while my mother was a social butterfly. She was serious when she needed to be around work but when she was home she'd always drag me and my dad to do random things around where we lived before. Those were my happiest moments, when all three of us were together. I sat for a moment, enjoying the silence and mulling over the meaning behind my dream. It was certainly scary enough but the voices and the dark fog, they had to have meant something? I sigh before stepping into the bathroom for a much needed shower.

It was around 6:30 when I finally emerged from the steamy bliss that was my bathroom. I didn't realize how tense I was lately. The relaxation from the hot water running down my body was exactly what I needed to clear my head. I sniffle a bit, the coolness of my bedroom clashing with the steam billowing out from the doorway. Quickly I threw on some clothes, a pair of leggings and a nice hoodie; one that used to be my dads. It was big on me but not big enough to drown me in the thing. I contemplated, staring at my hair in the mirror as I wondered what hairstyle would fit for the day. I decided braids would be cute and quickly I weaved the pieces of hair until both sides were done. A smile etches itself onto my face as I stare at myself, I'd never been considered ugly unless you count grade school girls with their childish bullying. As soon as I could be considered a woman, boys noticed me and I never enjoyed the attention. My hands grip my bag, pulling it over my shoulders as I walk downstairs to enjoy some much needed breakfast. My mother made eggs with a side of some cut up fruit, a healthier breakfast than yesterday and I was a bit thankful for it. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a picky person when it comes to food palettes and diets, but sometimes you really can't compare the energy levels you have when you eat fruit for breakfast.

I bite into the piece of apple, my teeth crunching down on it as my mother walks back into the kitchen, assumingly having gone to get dressed. "Are you feeling better?," My mother says, voice laced with a bit of concern as she walks towards the table. "Yes I'm feeling a lot better don't worry, it's not like before...those dreams were different mom." I reassure her, my hand reaching out to rest on hers where it sits on the table. She used to worry about me when I was a child, I'd have the worst nightmares; ones that were so scary I couldn't be woken up from them for periods of time. I'd Sleep walk, scream, cry, and once my mother even awoke with me on top of her, just staring as she slept. It was truly a scary experience but it hasn't happened in a long time. I don't want to trigger it now by just thinking about it too much. "Alright baby...Just you be careful today, we got a call last night about another murder and I'm sure the town is on a fritz about it. " She pulls on her coat, hands reaching towards the handle. "Okay mom, be safe too!" I call to her as she leaves. My eyes fall back to my food and I start to wonder about the eyes I saw last night. Light gray eyes against the backdrop of a black forest, had it been an animal? I could've come face to face with that animal last night and I hadn't even realized, but I wasn't afraid. I didn't stare into the eyes and feel any ounce of fear. I just felt...curious. 

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