steph catley x (platonic) reader- struggling

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Being called up for home World Cup at a young age was bound to get you limelight and bring more fame to your name but no one told you how stressful it would be having to play, train and go to school.

When you woke up for training one morning your muscles felt a bit more stiff then usual so you decided to head to the physios before training to get them massaged. However when you arrived and told them what was wrong you simply got waved off as they said there were bigger problems to deal with at the minute.

The rest of training was not fun for you to say the least. Every tackle, every kick hurt your muscles and when you tried bringing it up again they said you were being dramatic and you should continue training. So you did. A couple of the girls noticed something was wrong and came to ask you about it but you were so annoyed that the physios weren't listening to you and doing their job that you waved them off and didn't realize they were willing to listen to you.

When the rest of the team had an off day you were stuck going to school which was tiring especially since all the kids at school were so infuriating to the point you were skipping classes to avoid coming into contact with them. They would make snark comments about you or try butter you up to try meet the rest of the Matilda's and when you refused they would call you names and make you seem like a bad guy which in the long run made no one want to talk to you. But after the day you had yesterday everything was setting you off so when some girl came up to you and was talking about you like you weren't standing right in front of her you had enough and punched her square in the nose. Of course she wasn't happy with this and after her moment of shock she started wailing which caught the attention of teachers and you both got dragged to the principals office.

Ofcourse again no one was listening to you especially after the girl had changed the story to say that she had just asked you how training was yesterday when you lost it and punched her. The principal called Tony and Steph and Sam came to pick you up.

When you got back to the team hotel the whole team was waiting for you in the lobby including Tony and the staff and it was daunting to say the least. Mini stood at the front with her arms crossed and a disappointed look on her face which was worse then getting suspended in your mind. This whole camp you had been trying to prove to your team mates, Tony, the media that you didn't have to be babied but this one thing has thrown all that hard work down the drain.

You walked with your head down, hood up behind Steph and Sam towards your team mates. They separated once they made it to mini which left you right in front of her with no one to help you. You looked up at her as you were about to start explaining what happened when she cut you off by lifting her hand up.

"I'm disappointed. This whole camp you've tried to prove yourself and tell all of us time and time again that you didn't need to be babied and you could look after yourself. How do you think you're going so far? I get that you don't want to be at school but you're 16! School is just as important as soccer and I know it must be tiring for you but that's life sometimes" mini was furious with you and if you didn't know by what she had just said you would know by the murderous look she was sending your way. You cowered under her gaze and brought your eyes back down to the carpet to hopefully blink away your tears without raising suspicion but of course ever so attentive Steph saw it.

Once mini had finished she sent you to the room you shared with the vice captain to think about your actions which was basically her saying you were in time out. You were so exhausted from everyone and everything even soccer was starting it feel more like a chore than how it used to. Everything was changing and you weren't ok with it. You got changed into comfy clothes and wrapped yourself in many blankets on your bed before finally letting your tears fall. After awhile your day caught up to you and you fell into a deep sleep.

Steph was worried about you but she just couldn't pinpoint what was wrong and she didn't want to talk to you about it until she was fairly certain she knew what was happening so she could understand and help you better. When she'd heard about you punching the girl for her just asking about how training had gone she knew it was something deeper than she originally thought.

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