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When i came home I decided to tell my mom what happened

Me: mom we need to talk!

Mom what is it honey

Me: Takashi wants me to be his girlfriend

Mom: ohh and what did you say

Me: just that he and Neela broke up and that she's my best friend and that I needed time.... you think I made a mistake

Mom: of cause not honey. look if he really loves you he'll wait no matter how long it takes

Me: but Neelas dated him since we were 16, feelings like that don't just go away... what if I say yes and loose my best friend

Mom: look if Neela was truly your best friend she'd understand and besides she broke up with him, she must've had a reason

Me: (hugs mom) I'm glad I talked to you mom

Mom: (kisses my head) me too

2 day later

I've been avoiding dk but everywhere I am his just there, at races, after school, even outside my windows cause he room is right there. I decided to walk to school today since my car is in the garage but han. As I'm walking dks car pulls up beside me

Dk: we need to talk

Me: I don't have anything to talk about

Dk: you really gonna ignore it

Me: yes... yes I am

Dk: if you get in I'll buy you food

Me: ... fine

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