stupid date

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Dk and I were neck and neck trying to beat one another, as I got to the finish line I pressed the nitojin and sped pass him. Me being too cocky and thinking I won but no he sped right pass me and won,

Me: no, no, no, no, Nooo!

Neela:Hey it's ok

Me: no it's not, now I have to go on a stupid date with him

As Neela walks away dk comes over to me and puts his arms around my shoulder which I shoved off

Me: you won by an inch

Dk: and I scored a date with you

Me: whatever

As I'm heading out to go on this stupid date with dk I can help feel a little happy and tingly, what is this feeling. I see him sitting on the hood of his car waiting for me

Dk: Hey princess ready to go

Me: yeah and don't call me princess

Dk: whatever you say, princess

We got in the car and sped off

Me: you could've had anything from the deal why a date

Dk: Neela wasn't the girl I wanted I mean yeah she's nice and all but she's not u it's always been you

As he said that I looked up to him to see he's already staring. We kept eye contact as he sped up, I felt that tingling feeling from before, why do I only feel it when I'm around him. We came to a stop at a red light and broke eye contact

Me: just cause u confessed doesn't mean I feel the same way

Dk: you sure about that princess

We came to stop in front of an arcade. I hoped out the car with a big smile. We played most of the games he even won me a teddy bear which was cute. Afterwards we went to eat, as we were eating I got a little sauce on the coner of my mouth, dk wiped it off with he's thumb and put it in his mouth which made my heart skip a beat

Dk: so what you doing tomorrow

Me: school

Dk: after

Me: homework then race

Dk: how about we skip the race and I take u out somewhere

Me: (thinking) fine but only if I get food

Dk: deal

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