Harry looked at her, she flicked her hair back over her shoulder and laughed at something her friend said. She had long tanned legs, and was objectively quite pretty, her eyes were green and she had a headband matching her dress. He guessed she looked fairly mature if that was the word. But did he want to kiss her? Not really. Harry noticed a tall blonde boy was holding her hand.

Harry wanted to say something to impress Louis. Somewhere in between saying nah, she's not my type and yeah, I guess, out came:

"She's got a boyfriend."

Louis snorted, "Yeah. Nathan, he's two years older than us. It'll last a week. Everyone knows he's into guys."

Harry turned so quickly he almost got whiplash, "What did you say?"

Louis shrugged and pulled his phone out of his back pocket. "Yeah, someone caught him and Johnathan Mackenzie making out in the locker rooms last week. Fucking scandal of the school they are."

Harry looked back over and watched as Nathan texted somebody on his phone, and small smirk formed on his lips and Sara tried to get his attention again.

"Who told you?" Harry asked, his own voice sounding hollow.

"I don't know." Louis said, shoving his phone in his pocket, "I think it was Jane. Come on." he stood and walked over to the duck shooting game. Harry felt like there was a siren next to his ears. 

"Lou!" He called, and Louis turned around, he frowned at Harry's pale complexion. "I don't feel so good." Louis rushed over and sat next to him, wrapping his arm around Harry's shoulder.

"What's wrong mate. Do you think you're going to be sick?"

Harry shakes his head slowly, he felt like he couldn't swallow. Couldn't breathe. It was hot, like he was going to pass out, or die.

"I..." He felt faint, "I need to go. Can we go outside? Water?"

Louis frowns deeper, "Yeah, yeah for sure. Let's go." He hauled Harry up and they stumbled towards the door. They got judgmental glances from their peers and parents.

Stupid, Harry thought, You're making Louis look gay, he's going to hate you now. You're so annoying. Ruining his day.

"Sorry." Harry whispers. Louis glances at him but doesn't say anything.

They exit the fare and Louis finds a water bottle for him. He sits Harry down on a bench outside the library and hands him the bottle. Harry stares at the ground and tries to breathe. Louis feels his forehead and sits beside him.

"You're overheating." He snaps and unravels Harry's scarf, taking off his hoodie and beanie too. Harry's bottom lip wobbles like he's going to cry. Louis' expression softens. He runs his fingers through his hair. "Sorry." He sighs and leans his head against the wall. "You scared me, what the hell happened?"

"I don't know." Harry says quietly and takes a sip of his water, his head feeling like it's going to spin and fall off.

Louis watches him before turning away.

"I love you Harry, you're my best friend. You scared the crap out of me."

"I'm sorry." Harry mumbles.

Louis sits up straight, "No sorry from you. It's fine. Don't... don't feel bad about things you can't control." He's silent for a moment. "I think you had a panic attack, Harry. My mum has them a lot."

"Oh." Harry looks at Louis, who's looking straight back at him. He nods and looks away again. Louis smiles gently and reaches out to fix Harry's squashed curls due to his beanie.

Where Do We Go Now?Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant