Jocks suck

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A few weeks had past, the rumours seemed to have dissipated, Zack was trying to get into your good graces. You decide to go for a walk to pass the time. You arrive at Sam's cave, you notice Sam and Nate are already there, you decide to set yourself back a bit in the brush to hear what him and Nate are talking about.

"You've been meeting her behind my back haven't you?" Sam snaps.

"Who?" Nate asked, confused.

"Olivia." Sam replied.

"That's not your business, she's an adult, she can do what she wants." Nate hissed.

"She's 17, until she's 18 she is under my care." Sam brushes Nate off.

"You love the control don't you?" Nate clenches his fists.

"No!" Sam dismisses.

"Maybe I have been meeting her behind your back, maybe we've been meeting in secret, away from you." Nate remarked, antagonising Sam.

Sam lunges at Nate. You step in front of Nate as Sam goes to swipe at him.

"Move" Sam demanded.

"No, Leave him alone!" You yell at him.

"Move. NOW!" Sam had taken his full werewolf form almost at this point.

"Why are you going to hurt me too?" You question your brother. Sam shakes his head.

"This isn't you Sam, snap out of it." Sam takes the form of his human self again. "Nate was looking out for me, you need to accept that." You explain.

"I'm only looking out for you, I swore to protect you." Sam replied sadly.

"When we were little kids, I'm 17, I can take care of myself." You replied.

"You're under my rules until you're 18." Sam snapped.

"I hate you!" You scream at him.

"If I find out you've been having anymore secret meet ups with him, I'll make you choose." Sam snaps at you.

You walk away without saying another word. 'I'm sick of him treating me like a child.' You head for some food, alone, as you're sitting in the booth of the local diner, you hear some footsteps approach the booth, it's Tara.

"Olivia?" She speaks softly.

"What are you doing here T?" You ask her calmly.

"I hadn't heard from you in hours, Sam won't pick up, I checked with Zack and he wasn't with you so I checked your location and found you here." Tara replied her voice filled with sadness.

"I just want to be alone." You sigh.

"What happened?" She asked.

"Sam and Nate were fighting about me and I basically have to live by Sam's rules until I'm 18." You explain.

"What!" Tara stepped back in shock, unaware of her boyfriends rules.

"Yep, so for the next two months it's yes Sam, no Sam and him just being a jerk." You sigh again.

"I'm sorry." Tara gives you an apologetic look.

"You don't have to apologise, I'm just gonna go home." You stand up to leave the diner, Zack comes rushing in followed by Sam. "Leave me alone Sam, don't you think you've caused enough damage?" You tut at him.

"I was just trying to protect you, will you stop being a brat." Sam snapped.

"I told you I don't need protected." You demand, hoping this time it will sink in.

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