! ? : Daddy's home : : [THREE]

Start from the beginning

!¡ ☆ VIEW CHANGE : ' ' LUCIFER ' ' : :

' ' Come on Luci, ya gotta look perfect ! For ya little girl ! ' ' The king of Hell said to himself as he brushed his hair, trying to look good as he was stressing out, he was nervous to see his own daughter after so long, not knowing that's exactly how his little princess felt as well. He soon put on his rather decorated top hat, tilting it just slightly as he disliked how it looked when it stood straight up. The fallen angel lightly petted the golden snake on his hat with his finger despite it being a carving, he enjoyed treating it like his little pet.

The big boss of Hell himself then put on his jacket, flicking the collar up as despite looking fancy, he disliked that much formality. He giggled as he fixed his bow tie, ' ' Alakasm ! ' ' He said with a playful tone in his voice, he enjoyed using such small words when using his power in small ways, though he had only formed a portal to not be late as he had clearly stated he'd be there in an hour and it had been 54 minutes but who could blame him for just looking presentable. The short man then stepped his heel like boot through the portal, it landing just outside the front door of the hotel and quickly, he fully stepped through before his unlimited transportion system closed behind him. He then took a deep breathe in and out before gently knocking on the door.

The king of Hell was then soon greeted by his beloved daughter opening the door, ' ' CHARLIE ! ' ' He said with a giddy grin and tone of voice, hugging her tightly as he had missed her a lot. His little princess then spoke up, ' ' D-dad ! Y-you're squishing me . . ! ' ' She said, finding it a bit hard to breath. ' ' Right . . Right . . Sorry . . ' ' He said with an apologetic tone, loosening up his grip before fully letting go. The silly father then saw Alastor practically next to Charlie, he was resisting every urge to hug his beloved partner as none of the people in the room knew of their relationship except Husk who well only knew Alastor was married. Lucifer tried to distract himself as he spotted Kee-Kee, the cat, ' ' Awh ! Hey Kee-Kee ! ' ' He said with a smile and a cartoonish shine in his eyes, crouching down and petting the mostly black cat. He then stood up, ' ' Razzle ! Dazzle ! ' ' He spoke once more as he put his hands out for both of the lamb like creatures to come up to his hands. ' ' Awhh ! Look at how much you haven't grown ! Still fun-sized ! ' ' The Morningstar said with a giggle and doing a spin, he was such a little goofy man. He let them fly off as he let go of them.

The ultimate bad boy looked around, ' ' Ahh . . Oh ! Well this is erm . . something . . ' ' He said, looking at the decoration then thinking, ' Come on Luci . . Think ! This is your daughter's hotel we're trying to talk about . . ' He thought to himself. ' ' It's lovely ! It's so sweet of you to decorate this place just for me ! ' ' There was a genuine tone in his voice and he smiled at the sight of the biscuits and guests.

!¡ ☆ VIEW CHANGE : ' ' CHARLIE ' ' : :

The princess sighed happily, she felt so joyful to hear her father liked her hard work but she then heard him speak up once more, ' ' Why don't you introduce me to everyone Char-Char ! ' ' He suggested with a smile, looking up at her once more. Charlie was a bit amused by the sight of her own dad still being so small, she thought he'd at least grow a little. ' ' Well ! Meet Vaggie ! ' ' She said with a gentle smile, placing her hands on her partners shoulders and pulling her closer to her, Vaggie had a soft smile on her face as well. ' ' She's my girlfriend ! ' ' was quickly added on after she spoke and Lucifer looked surprised, ' ' Oh my golly ! You like girls ! I do too ! We have so much in common ' ' He said with a grin, being understanding about it and he technically wasn't lying as he was pansexual, just meaning he didn't have a preference on gender. He had used a finger gun gesture in that statement to try hide his nervous-ness. He then spoke up once again, ' ' You put it there, Maggie ! ' ' He said as he gave Vaggie a hug before letting go as he realized he hugged her too tightly. ' ' . . Heh . . She's so pretty . . ! ' ' He said in a quieter voice, waving off the awkward moment.

The princess chuckled, knowing her father's intentions were good before checking to see if her girlfriend was okay from the tight hug, it took a minute or two but then she moved on with introductions to get rid of that awkward moment despite it probably haunting her at night to keep her up like all embarrassing moments do. ' ' This is Alastor ! He's like my co-owner ! ' ' She said with a smile, she considered Alastor as a co-owner due to the fact he had helped quite a bit from Husk and Nifty to the filming of one bad commerical and a better one and more. The deer then bowed in politeness and respect, it wasn't surprising to the others as he was the more classy one but what was surprising was the fact Alastor had taken Lucifer's hand to kiss the back yet it was still a form of politeness when it came to people of higher class.

' ' Oohhh ! Does strawberry pimp fancy the king? ' ' The pornstar said with a joking tone before Husker shut him down, ' ' It's an act of politeness . . ' ' He corrected tiredly, he was right though, it was apart of one's manners when it came to keeping formal. The princess didn't worry that much about it as she was too focused on them getting along but her girlfriend was concerned enough for the both of them as she hardly trusted the radio demon and him getting along with the king might be a bit of a game changer either in a good or bad way.

Lucifer, the king himself, however ignored the others and smiled, glad someone wasn't treating him like a small joke and glad to get affection from his partner once again. ' ' Hmm . . save the formality ! ' ' He said with his a sweet tone as Alastor followed through and stood up then letting go of the king's hand, ah just like old times. Charlie smiled at the sight of her father getting along with her staff members before giving introductions for the other three, ' ' These two are also members of staff ! Husker and Nifty, Husker being our bar tender and Nifty being the house keeper ! Angel here is our advertiser as he is well known, he's also technically our first visitor since he doesn't work here ! ' ' She said with a smile, showing off the three proudly as she liked everyone at her hotel and it was rather obvious to her father and everyone else, she was just kind to everybody, the sweetest little soul ever to be found in Hell. The king could've sworen he knew Angel Dust from somewhere but he shrugged it off instead of letting the thought go to his head and cause him annoyance.

Nifty, the little cleaner then gasped and grabbed Lucifer by his collar due to the fact she had literally jumped on him, ' ' The ultimate bad boy ! ' ' She said with a tone of voice that just worried some, the king looked rather concerned but then Charlie got her off, ' ' S-sorry ! ' ' She said out of the second hand embarrassment she got from Nifty's behavior. The king didn't seem to mind that much due to the fact before his ex-wife left him, he went out a few times and got a lot attention . . which stopped him from wanting to go out anymore. Ha ha ! What good memories ! ' ' Don't worry . . It's erm . . fine ! ' ' The fallen angel said, he just sounded concerned about the situtation at hand, ' ' Ha . . Yeah . . ' ' was then spoken quickly behind his words. Well that was going to keep them up at night for a while but it was Nifty we were talking about, no one should be surprised by her behavior here. Charlie's little intro just tried to move past these little moments quickly, which was a good and bad thing since it meant you could forget about it quicker but also makes it more awkward.

What a lovely way to show her father her little hotel, don't you think?

' ' Yes . . My lord. ' ' // APPLERADIO [ GUARD AU ! ]Where stories live. Discover now