Its not as simple as "sorry"

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I make my get away back to the hotel. Im filled of many warm and pleasant emotions from Valentino. The Hotel is becoming easy to locate the more I travel to and from. The walk back is pleasant, maybe thats just my euphoric emotions from moments before. Upon arrival of the hotel I slowly approach the tall red doors hesitantly deciding between knocking and just walking in. I quietly knock on the door. 'Why did I just knock!?' I think to myself. "I feel obligated to wait until someone answers now! So STUPID" I mutter to myself, embarassed. The door handle rattles followed by the squeaking on the door hinges. It was a man that partially resembled a deer. "I wasnt expecting to be greeted by someone with such a botched bob, who might you be?" I say jokingly. The man has a large smile, his eyes show slight annoyance at my joke. "Im Alastor, my dear! You must be the poor soul Charlie welcomed from the streets!" Alastors grin gets wider as he welcomes me in, I can feel the tension as he ever so slightly grits his teeth, its almost not audible. I laugh at his comment and make my way towards my room. Angel meets me in the long hall holding a bottle of liquor. "Ya handed ya soul to someone ya didnt even know. How DENSE are ya?" Angel says in a civil tone, i can hear hes still fuming eith rage. "Why do you even care. We're closer to roomates than we are friends. We stay in the same hotel, dont act like we know each other." I reply back annoyed and bewildered at his sudden remark. "Ya don't know Val like I do. Hes not as great as he seems, Y/N. Why cant ya just take my word for it." He snaps back, it seems as if my words got to him on a deeper, more personal level. "Because I don't fucking know you, Angel. You may have been nice to me, but Val was offering me a job! Its important to actually make something in a twisted world like this." Words fly out of me, it appears I'm not used to being dead and in hell just yet. "And you know Val? Dont say I didnt warn ya." Angels tone is becoming more annoyed, hes getting closer to my face as he speaks. I lightly shove angel Away from me and proceed to walk away to my room. I cant help but feel I was being watched by someone other than Angel. I pause for a moment to collect myself before entering my room and closing the door behind me. I hear angel walking past my room and foot steps following behind his, the second set of foot steps disappear in the distance.
"You slippery little shit!" I hear Angel exclaim tailed by a pitiful yelp. "...I knew there was something shitty about you!" Part of Angels sentance wasn't clear to me as he spoke. I hear a familiar voice, I cant quite make out who it is or what they're saying. Suddenly, I hear banging as if something large fell to the ground. "Get your... average.. OFF ME" the familiar voice exclaims, his words are still broken up as his voice filters through the walls like sand sifting water. A short amount of time passes, the argument sounds like someone talking with a pillow to their face. "AH! AH! Abort! Abort!... Pentious in need of immediate..." the man shouts in a panic. More time passes before I hear a voice say "Wait.. pen.." I hear Charlie! A soft and warm familiar voice. "What is going on out there?" I say to myself confused and concerned with all the shouting. Charlie begins singing, her words are still a muffled mess from behind the walls. "Shes fucking singing?" I laugh to myself. "Cant we... kill him... BLOOD" I hear Angel and Vaggie sing. "What the hell? They're singing too? Wasnt angel JUST upset and shouting?" I state to myself and start hysterically laughing trying to picture whats going on out there. Their words are still cloaked as they sing. "...first.. lets get some rest!" Charlie says with a positive tone. "I could use some rest.. hopfully everything got sorted out" I say and pull the blankets over me as I roll over and face the wall, my exhausted back faces the door and I shut my eyes to greet tomorrow as a brand new person.

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