Shiloh let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. "Fine you can help but I'm worried if people find out you're in here they'll come for you and it'll take away from what I'm doing here. It'll bring all the wrong king of advertisement to the store. Please don't take that the wrong way, I just don't want people to expect you here all the time."

Pedro shook his head and waved her off. "I would never let that happen. I'm not going to ruin your business, I just want to help. I'll stay in the back and unload for you."

"Some stuff has to come out to the floor though."

"So I'll bring it out or I'll hand it to you through the door. Or give me a disguise."

"Honey, it's a clothing shop not a makeup station."

Pedro knew her calling him "honey" was meant to be condescending but it still made his heart pump a bit faster. "We'll figure it out. Just let me help. I can't go home and do nothing anymore."

Shiloh sighed and pulled him to the back hoping to teach him everything with the five minutes she has left of her break. "Pay close attention. You're taking orders from me now, Mando." Pedro saluted her which made her laugh before she started pointing at boxes. "These ones over here are all shirts that are already tagged and need to be hung up on these racks. If you just push them out the door, I'll push them where they need to go. Boxes over here are dresses, they are not tagged yet I planned on doing that after lunch so I'll be back here to help with that in a little bit." She continued to run through the columns of boxes with specific instructions before she turned around to find him staring at her intently. "Think you can handle it."

"Yes Rando!" He shouted with a salute which earned a giggle from Shiloh. "Go open the store up and I'll come get you if I need any help. But I think I know how to hang shirts on a rack and fold jeans up. Go make sales, Cariño!"

"What does that mean by the way?"

Pedro shrugged and gave her a smirk. "You've got a phone, you can look it up." She smiled at him before walking back out to the front and flipping the sign over to reopen the store for another few hours.

People were coming in and out, Pedro loved listening to her be asked about him and she'd talk so highly of him. Though it made him proud and giddy, part of him did worry that it was all to keep the lie of their marriage going. Which is what was keeping him from pushing the envelope any further than it already was. "How ya doing in here, Mando?"

"Here comes the last rack before I tackle jeans." He spoke as he pushed it out the door before going back to his solitary confinement for the day. He was fine with it though. Pedro felt like this was his way of being apart of her world. For so long it had been about his world, his reputation, his career, but today it was about Shiloh's world, Shiloh's reputation, Shiloh's career. To Pedro, everything was about Shiloh and she was aware of it today.

Shiloh was finishing up with her last few customers who happened to be young teenagers looking for dresses for a dance at their school. "You guys are going to look amazing!" Shiloh complimented the girls as she checked them out.

"I have a quick question." Shiloh looked at the girl. "Where did you get your silly goose sweater? The one you wore in that interview. I loved it and definitely want to copy you by having one of my own!"

Shiloh was stunned. After all the slack she got from Larsa and Pedro's manager about that sweater someone actually liked it. "I just got it at a consignment shop but I'm sure you can find it online somewhere."

"Thanks Shiloh! We also loved your interview, you and Pedro are the sweetest together! Have you seen the videos on tiktok?"

"I haven't." Shiloh leaned over the counter when the girl pulled her phone out to show her videos that people had edited together from the interview. Slowed down edits of the times when Shiloh would look at Pedro behind the camera or when her cheeks would flush pink and her smile would brighten when talking about him. Someone even added photos of them from their wedding night in a fade behind her talking about him. "Wow."

Wrapped Around Your Finger [Pedro Pascal]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz