Chapter 21 - I decide where she goes!

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It was silent when GokuLuck left Club Paradox. No one said a thing. Hancho was quiet, Ryoga did not angrily shout his frustration, Shion did not say a thing, and Mikoshiba did not let his temper get the best of him...not yet.

"FUCK!" Hancho threw his baton at the wall! You couldn't see half of it because the other half was within the wall! Hancho followed up with a couple of punches and kicks into the wall! He was creating one hole after another! Because of how thin the walls were, it was easy for holes to form. "I can't believe we fucking lost! On the first fucking round too! Fuck! Those audience are fucking deaf! FUCK!"

"O-oi...Inukai-" Ryoga was trying to stop Inukai because when the other Inukai switch over, he will be very confused. On top of that, he's worried their accommodation will topple down because of the rash behaviour. 

"Fuck off!" Hancho threw Ryoga to the wall! "If you're angry, show it! Don't fucking pretend you are not frustrated! I am fucking pissed right now so either get angry with me or get the fuck out of my sight! Get in my way and I'll kill you!" 

The next thing anyone knew, Mikoshiba kicked a hole into the wall!

"Shibaken..." Ryoga rubbed the back of his neck as he watched Mikoshiba join in on the wall wrecking with Inukai. 

Mikoshiba being angry was nothing new but tonight, he felt even more angry than usual. He looked at his own hands; the moment when Michiyo was forced to leave when he held her by the waist kept replaying in his mind. It made him very angry those guys won the first round and even take away his property! Who did they think they were?! He punched through the thin wall, cursing and screaming in anger! He wanted to win and see Michiyo cheer and be happy for him! Not like this. It wasn't supposed to be like this! He's angry the audience liked the other team instead of them.

At some point, Ryoga and Shion joined in. They all knew Trap Reaction will kick in painfully soon. Before that happen, they will cause as much havoc as possible. They couldn't afford to punch the shit out of a person so the wall and their own shitty accomadation will have to do. 

"Why the fuck did you bet her away?! This is all your fucking fault!" Mikoshiba regained some sense and as much as he hated Akanyatsura right now, he couldn't overlook the fact this wouldn't have happened if Hancho did not make such a stupid bet. "Michiyo is my fucking property! Who gave you the fucking rights to bet her away?!" 

"Hah?! How was I supposed to know they wanted her, you fucking you little brat!" Hancho grabbed Mikoshiba by the collar of his hoodie and pulled him close, "If I fucking knew, I wouldn't have betted her away! They never said what they fucking wanted!"

"Use your fucking brain, Inukai! What could you possibly have to offer?!" 

"Don't speak to me like you fucking know it all, Mikoshiba! You would have been tempted by the idea of winning and winning their huge house!" 

"Don't compare me with you! I hate this shitty play hub but I know better than to accept a deal that puts us in a disadvantage! Now we're going to be hit by Trap Reaction any moment and Michiyo won't be here to ease it!" Glaring at Hancho, Mikoshiba thought back on one of the nights where Trap Reaction was painful...

As long as Michiyo was within their vicinity, she made Trap Reaction bearable although physical touch will ease it a lot more. The adults knew better than to touch Michiyo just like that so they were okay with just being near her vicinity when their Trap Reaction happen. For Mikoshiba though, it was different. 

"Flowers for brain?" He tried to sleep through it but it was painfully hard. He will never ask any of the adults for help.

"Ah, did I wake you? Sorry. Are you all okay? You're all groaning in your sleep." She touched the foreheads of the adults in the house because she thought they were ill. She unknowingly ease their Trap Reaction.

Hell's Paradise♥Paradox Live♥(Mikoshiba Kenta x OC)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon