Chapter 24

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[ dear father ]





    'What am I doing in the gardens at night ?' thought Penelope. The rest were happy they will get to see Penelope's perspective.

MILLIONS OF QUESTIONS — and a lingering feeling of unease from the previous encounter I've had with that strange man wouldn't let me sleep. I found it was harder to close my eyes, and lay in silence to ignore them for the voice in my head would simply grow clearer as if a monster that feeds on quiet.

    The family except the Derrick (ice bitch) was worry about Penelope's mental health

And thus, out of habit my feet had shifted out of the bed — heading towards the tranquility of the gardens that served the previous queens that resided in the Crystal Palace.

    Penelope wondered when she would develop that habit too.

One would say it was just quiet, but I differ. The quiet in the gardens wasn't empty — it was simply rid of any unnecessary noise. There were still millions of sounds suspended in the air if one closed their eyes and just listened.

    They all just watched wondering if anything was going to happen or not.

There was the quiet humming of air, the crunch of fresh grass beneath her feet, and the ever bubbling noise of the water in the small pond dancing in accordance with the rustle of the weeping willow which stood bet over just above.

    The duke never thought that Penelope liked gardens and made him realize he doesn't know much about her likes and dislikes.

Emily was right, I did have a bias for these places.

Standing, I simply listen; all my questions are gone almost instantly. My mind slowly emptying itself, letting the cool brains ease out the worries that lived within.

"Penelope ?" a voice. There goes the quiet I was looking for — I cannot help but muse, bitterly. Sighing audibly, I turn to the expected face of Duke Eckart standing with a trademark stern look on his face.

    The Duke winced internally on how his daughter addressed him.

"Father, what brings you here ?" I honestly do not wish to know; some inner part of my mind wishes for him to take a hint of my expected courtesy, and just leave. But the other part wishes to know too, why was he here ?

    Penelope tried to remain calm as her thoughts on screen were exposed and ignored Derrick's glare. The duke felt saddened at his daughter's thought but knows that he probably deserves it.

"The guest chambers have a view of the garden, I saw you coming out so I came to escort you." ah ... of course you did.

It wasn't new for him to play the doting father — and most of the time he is sincere; but it annoys me to think why he does it.

    Duke felt like he was just stabbed with a sword and wondered what was the reason she was talking about.

"I'm thankful." but I don't need it. Of course, I don't say that. A gracious woman ought to accept her father's generosity. So instead I let him join me on my stroll.

    Penelope wonders if her thoughts were too harsh but then decides that it doesn't matter.

For most of the part it is silent. Neither of us utter a single word — quiet hanging its ugly head between us in the most awkward way possible. For what would I talk about ? there was no one to put a show of genial conversation in front of, right now, and thus I had nothing to talk about either.

"You have matured a lot in these months." he starts, almost causing me to sign once again. Sure he will now praise how well I behaved in the ball, in front of so many people.

    'Nothing new' thought Penelope

    The Duke wondered if his daughter felt and thought that all the time.

"Your magical force administration — the education policies were very well handled. You've done well, sweetling. I'm proud of you." he adds with a faint grin — the outlines of which I can see even in the dim light.

    Penelope felt numb at the praise and didn't say anything but stare at the screen blankly. Emily noticed her behavior and just mentally sighed, knowing it was best not to say anything.

Something about his earnest smile makes my chest leap — and for a moment I find myself unable to speak, an unknown weight on my vocal cords.

I regulate my expression into a sweet smile, one that is too practiced. Parroted words come out of my mouth which make the Duke's smile falter, a look of embarrassment dispersed across his face.

"You are far too kind, thank you, father."

    The duke felt a wave of guilt come over him and looked at the screen. Derrick wanted to say something to Penelope for being ungrateful but the look of his father told him to stay silent.

How does it feel? ; I want to ask. How does it feel to be alienated? To be cast away from someone you considered close to you? Hurts, does it not?

I know it does, all too well.

    'Yes, it does...' thought the Duke with great regret for neglecting her and making her feel this way but he knew that this pain is just a little of what she has felt.

    "Penelope!" Derrick shouted as he turned to look at her. "How —"

    "Enough brother" Reynold interpreted him as he blocked Penelope for his view.

    "Reynold..." Derrick hesitated as he saw his younger brother defend her. As he was about to speak the duke spoke. "Enough both of you, sit down."

    They both did as they were told and looked at the screen, while Penelope was stunned by what just happened but looked back at the screen.

"I understand that you feel resentful towards me, Penelope. You have every right to — but please, don't treat me like a stranger —" the desperation in his words almost makes me falter, but my promise to him remains standing.

    Penelope mentally scoffed at his words but said nothing.

I will not forget until my filial affection comes out of genuine love for my father, not as a survival instinct.

"What are you talking about, father? I would never dare do that —" I reply, voice honeyed it even makes me feel sick

    Seeing this only hurt the Duke more but he deserved it.

"What would people think if the mother of the Obelian Empire was estranged from her own father? — you mustn't let such worries cloud your mind." my hands loop around his arm, hugging it close like any beloved daughter would.

    Emily felt saddened by her lady's action but she knew she had every right to act that way. Penelope just looked blankly at the screen not caring what the others felt right now. The rest of the family except Ice block just felt ashamed.

"It's not good for your health. Come, let's head back so you can get some sleep — shall we?"

    Silent fell over them [again, great...] 

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