Chapter 3

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(The Envoy's visit) Sometime around noon

   "Well let's see how this goes" mumbles Winter as everyone focuses on the screen.

Light but persistent, the steady drizzle that had been pouring outside the mansion in the morning carried on until the afternoon, half-hearted as the entirety of Eckart mansion.

   'Wonder if going to be the white dog, ' Penelope thought while looking at the screen.

However the flair of the gold-plated that arrived was not one bit affected by it, however. The man who exited with the chauffeur in tow was presumably the envoy from Obelia, with the same — pompous air that most of the high nobles carried themselves with.

   'Definitely the white dog' thought Penelope, while the others were wondering what the person's statues were.

He had tired, golden eyes — ones which never quite hid the cunning, ambitious gleam despite the dark circles that surrounded them. His silver hair was put together, like the rest of him, and light drops of rain marked the shoulders of his coat as he walked forth to greet the Eckart men who were (save for Reynold) standing at the entrance to welcome him.

   "It's Duke Alpheus" stated Penelope to everyone as if it was common knowledge. The Duke felt proud that his daughter was able to recognize foreign kingdoms and nobles, so quickly and with little description. Not knowing she just knows because she read the manga in her past life. Derrick and Reynold didn't know if they should feel ashamed that their sister recognized kingdoms and people with little description, or feel proud. Emily and Eckles are greatly prideful of their mistress intelligence. While Callisto and Winter were just quiet.

He bowed "It is an honor to meet the Grand Duke of Inca." The young master that stood beside the Duke looked not one bit pleased with his presence.

   "Reynold," the Duke said in a calm voice. While Reynold said sorry and mumbled something that sounded not sorry. The other two siblings just mentally sighed at their brother's behavior. Callisto, Eckles, and Emily just sneerick as the scene unfolds.

As if unaware of his son's displeasure. The Grand Duke returned his greeting curtly, "The honor is ours, Duke Alpheus. I hope you didn't have any trouble on your way?"

   No one was surprised at the Duke's action.

Alpheus simply shook his head in humble denial, before following the Duke within Penelope was introduced later when she arrived with the servants bringing the refreshments in.

   The Duke, Reynold, Eckles and Callisto were still sour about Penelope's decision on accepting the proposal. While WInter and Emily were hopping Penelope was going to be alright in a different Empire.

As he'd heard of it – Roger Alpheus couldn't help but agree that she was indeed beautiful, perhaps more than the hearsay – a tall, willowy figure with long azalea tinted hair cascading down her back, and clever marine eyes, and yet, Penelope Eckart struck a vicious impression, looking all but amused clad in clothing darker than the weather.

   Everyone except Derrick could help but agree that Penelope does look beautiful.

She had fine, but sharp features that seemed to always be set into an impassive, blank expression, making her lack the genial charm that women oft' had.

   "Is he insulting my daughter?" the duke stated in a deadly calm voice. His two sons stayed quiet, while the daughter didn't really care if she was insulted. Callisto and Eckles were ready to murder this man that insulted his princess/mistress. Winter didn't like the man one bit as he wore a cold smile.

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