Secret's Out

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It was a peaceful morning at the showgrounds. The sun rose and the outside atmosphere was crisp and warm. It was your typical March morning. Inside the new castle, a secretive couple were snuggling together, sharing their warmth as they slept. Their names were SMG4 and PKS. Their relationship was unknown to the others, except for one. As the two slept, SMG4 was the first one to wake up. It actually wasn't too long before PKS woke up too. Her eyes fluttered awake as she was met with beautiful blue eyes.

4: Morning

PK's face burned red as she was trying not to become a flustered mess.

PK: Morning, honey.

4: How was your sleep?

PK: I'll be honest, not tossing and turning like crazy is a little different. But if I get to snuggle with you, it's worth it.

4 chuckles as he nuzzles his head under his lover's.

4: Can we stay like this for a while?

PK: You read my mind, love.

The two got comfy as they enjoyed each other's company. If only it lasted longer.. Without warning, Mario burst into the room with his morning stupidity.


4(Raising his head): Mario! It's too early for all this!

PK: Mario I swear to Christ!-

The three just froze in silence. In embarrassment, SMG4 hid his face into a pillow, his face starting to burn just as bad as PKS'.

Mario: Are you and PKS fcking?

PK: No we're not fucking, ¡pendejo!

Mario just looked at them before making a b-line outside the room. But before he could take any more steps, he was frozen in place and brought back into SMG4's room, where he was met with a furious PKS. Her aura was filled with anger as she was holding out her hand, her magic being the cause of Mario stopping. The area around her became shadowed in black as small black figures had their claws almost directly over Mario's neck. Her eyes were nothing but a blue void as her voice was filled with enough venom to paralyze and maybe even kill some just with sheer words.

PK(Demon voice): If you utter a word to anyone about this, I will tear your soul and limbs apart and distribute your screams for EVERY OTHER FILTHY WRETCH who dares to oppose me.

Mario(Frightened): O-Okay. I'll behave.

PK: Lovely..

She returned to normal as she released Mario, pushing him out of the room and closing the door.

4: You do know he might tell someone right?

PK: Which is why I come prepared.

She snapped her fingers as a little shadow figure popped out of the shadows.

PK: Follow Mario, and if you suspect he will say anything about the secret, shut him up quickly.

The shadow smiled as it disappeared. PK stretched and sat up.

PK: Wanna get ready for the day? I'm in the mood to make some pancakes.

4: Pancakes sound good right about now, honestly.

The two got out of bed and started getting dressed. Now fully dressed, the two went to the kitchen to begin making breakfast. After a few minutes of cooking. The two were happily enjoying a stack of pancakes, accompanied by a cup of apple juice.

4: So, what do you have planned for today?

PK: Well, I promised SMG3 I'd help out at his cafe.

4: Well, I gotta get some work done myself. Guess we'll both be busy today.

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔾𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕔𝕙 𝕋𝕣𝕚𝕠 (𝙾𝚌 𝚡 𝚂𝙼𝙶4 𝚡 𝚂𝙼𝙶3)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum