I love it when my teacher makes me wait half the time we get to be able to do our papers so I don't end up finishing and I fail. And then getting called out for getting a 63% in front of everyone. It's not like I have a learning disability either which makes me take a little longer on some things. But whatever it's fine right cause that's technically still passing so it totally won't make my grades go down and make me look even dumber than I already am. This is why I don't try. Because when I do shit like this happens. I got a 21/33 I was only able to finish 23 barely btw so I only missed 2 of the ones I actually did. Oh and this is English btw. Why the hell he decided to have us grade these so damn early? I would say idk but I do it's cause the smart girl finished so we all graded when she was ready and btw she usually finishes pretty quickly. Anyways I'm pissed and so fucking embarrassed rn. Mainly embarrassed but still angry like seriously why would he grade so early he gave us like 20 minutes to do whatever but only if we got 70% (23/33) but he called me out and said even though I got a 63% he would still let me get on my phone. Which was nice but I would've gotten way better if he actually let me finish. But whatever ig.

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