GOJO SATORU teach me 1

441 13 2

A/N let's just keep this here until I actually get to it


Only three words exited out of your boyfriend's mouth, and yet each syllable pierced your heart of glass and shattered it to pieces. There was silence that followed his words. Your eyes stared into his, and you saw an emotion you had never seen in him before-boredom.

His eyes were half lidded, his pupils glaring at you from beneath his eyelashes. You finally took a breath, breaking the silence that felt like a held breath itself. What?

"We're getting no where in this relationship, so let's just break up." He crossed his arms now. Your forehead wrinkled as you furrowed your eyebrows. "What do you even mean by that? Where's this coming from?" You demanded.

A year, you had been together with him-Rei, was his name. It was your one year anniversary only a couple of weeks ago, when you both went on a date to an aquarium. Everything was fine back then. Maybe.

"A man has his needs, (name), and you just can't provide them for me. I mean, you're hot and nice," he paused, "and... stuff, but sex with you, it's just..." He gestured so-so with his hands, and your eyes widened. You didn't even know whether to be humiliated or offended.

Plus, how can he blame you? He was your first everything. First boyfriend, first kiss, first date, first time, so how could he expect you to be a sex goddess? You snarled, looking at him up and down in disgust. "So you're breaking up with me over bad sex? Is that all you see in me?" You scoffed.

Okay, so what if, hypothetically, you weren't good at pleasing other people? You were a great girlfriend, this, you were confident about. He let out a sigh, shaking his head.

"I'm just saying you couldn't deliver the full package. It's nothing personal." He shrugged. Your cheeks burned red in embarrassment. You never thought that you would be broken up with, especially over sex.

"Yeah, come talk to me when you stop thinking with your dick." You grunted, turning on your heel and stomping off.

YOU SLAMMED YOUR head against the counter of the bar, your drink in one hand and the other in a fist. Your friend's was on your back, sliding up and down to comfort you. "This is so fucking humiliating." You whined, muttering into the wood.

Maki, your best friend since high school, shook her head. "Who cares? I don't know why you're bitching about some guy who thinks with his dick." She shrugged. She was right, but that's not what you were worried about. "That's what I said."

Maki snickered. "That he thinks with his dick?" You nodded.

You didn't feel humiliated about being broken up with-I mean, it revealed his true nature-but it didn't change the fact that you were bad at pleasuring. Well, you were sure you weren't bad at it, just inexperienced. Sure, you've watched porn before, but you didn't get it.

The moans all seemed fake, sometimes, even the orgasms. When you had sex with Rei, your now ex boyfriend, you didn't feel enough pleasure to be moaning and screaming like you saw in the videos. Sure, it felt good, but that was kind of it. You didn't really see the point, which is why you didn't have too much sex with him.

So, you deemed the girls in the videos were all faking and acting. Sex couldn't possibly feel that good, right?

"I'll get back at him, I swear." You turned your head to the side, cheeks against the surface now. Maki scrunched her face, glasses rising with her nose. "How?" She was right. How would you even get revenge? You gave up, and she saw that when your shoulders slumped.

"You gave up quickly." She laughed, patting your back. You only huffed. You hated this feeling. Single, miserable, and you were more inexperienced than the average virgin. Your friend frowned upon seeing you. You were usually not this let-down.

You were straight forward, blunt, and you didn't let people's words affect you. Well, usually, you didn't. Nonetheless, you were kind, a bit of an airhead, and spiteful.

A lightbulb turned on above the green haired girl's head. "Why don't you just- prove him wrong?" A grunt came out of your throat. Who cares? Even if you did become a pussy fairy, it's not like it gained you anything. How would he even find out you got better? You weren't trying to have sex with him again. It would only make you seem desperate.

"And how would I do that, Maki?" You sat up, leaning against the back of the stool, deciding to at least hear her out. In fairness, you did drag her out of her "alone time" to comfort you.

"With Gojo Satoru."

It felt like a eureka moment when the words entered your ears. Of course.

Gojo Satoru-the name was always whispered in hallways for various reasons. First of all, he was fine as fuck. Long limbs made him stand out, his white hair gaining attraction. His face was sculpted by the hands of Aphrodite herself, and damn, that body of his.

Second of all, his sex. Gojo Satoru was never in a relationship, but he was always having sex. It wasn't an everyday thing, but you were sure his body count went over 30. He was a flirt menace, and good with his choice of words.

You heard of girls talking about sex with him like a baptism, saying they went into his dorm one person and out completely changed.

You've only seen him a couple times on campus the whole three years you've been here. He was in a different department as you; you guessed he had a scholarship for a sport.

"He's the icon for sex. If Rei hears about you with Gojo Satoru, he'll know for sure that he was wrong. And maybe you can get the man-whore to teach you how to fix that broken pussy of yours." You scowled at her, but she was right.

Sure, rumors might spread of you, but who cares? You never cared about that stuff. Having sex with Gojo Satoru was like a medal, saying "I pulled Gojo Satoru". And that was an honorable medal, like going to the world's best plastic surgeon.

You smiled. Gojo Satoru, it was.

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