I'm sorry

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A/N: I'm writing for first time so kindly forgive me if it sound boring

A/N pov
It is very beautiful morning and everyone was doing their working and children was playing around while teasing adults and when it comes to teasing their older how can we forgot our dear Krishna so let's find out where Krishna is

Krishna pov
Kanha how many times do I have to tell you that don't steal my makhan said by a woman who was scolding our little kanha
I don't steal it dau told me to do it Said by Krishna who is pointing at balram
Oh really then balram come here said by that woman who is not really angry because who can stay angry on two little kids like Krishna and balram
What happen why are you angry Said by balram who was rubbing his head out of confusion
Leave this thing behind for a moment and tell me that why was you looking at makhan like that said that lady
Ohh that I was trying to find out that how makhan is actually made said balram while showing his cute innocent eyes which can mealt anyone
Okay you both can leave now

Balram pov
Krishna why was she scolding you like that said balram who was still confused
Nothing dau said Krishna while going to his friends

DAU YOU WANT TO COME said Krishna who was shouting form far
SURE said balram

(After sometime)

I'M ASKING WHO DID THIS said by maa yasoda who was angry after seeing his kitchen condition
It's dau all of them pointed at balram
I swear it's not me said balram who was about to cry
After seeing his dau condition Krishna was about to say something but maa started to scolding balram
You go balram or else I will scold you more after that balram start to running somewhere and Krishna runs behind him but fail to catch him
Krishna let balram be alone for few minutes he will be back and we will apologize to him and he is your dau after all how can he stay angry on his Krishna said by one of their friend but the reality was that even for five minutes Krishna wasn't stay away from balram so even after 2 minutes Krishna starting to feel weird but he knows that dau needs sometime alone so he return to their home and wait for him
Krishna balram eat your lunch now said maa who was calling both of them since they was always together
Maiya balram is not here yet can I go and find him said Krishna who was feeling weird because it feels like his shadow who always follow him is not with him now
No Krishna you eat your lunch and I will go and find balram okay said Maiya but how can Krishna eat when he always eat with balram
But Maiya how can I eat without balram said Krishna who was about to cry because it's been two hours now
Okay Krishna come with me said by Maiya

DAUUUU said Krishna who was running though balram while having tears in his eyes
DAU where was you, you know how much I miss you why do you leave me you know that I don't eaten and drink anything since you was gone said Krishna who was crying
After seeing Krishna crying balram can't take it at all he can't bear seeing his Krishna crying so he hug Krishna like his life depends on it like Krishna will disappear if he leave him for any moment
Krishna why are you crying please don't cry you know that it make my heart hurt like hell or even worse said balram who was also crying
DAU please let's go back to our house said Krishna while balram wiping his tears
So Krishna how does it feel like without me following you like shadow said balram
It was worse than anything ever you know how lonely I feel without having you by my side even if I have all my friends with me but it was still not you now promise me that you will never leave my leave even if I told you too said Krishna who was about to cry again
Khana khans please don't cry you know that I can't see you crying it hurt more then dieing in most painful way now I promise that I will never leave your side ever again said balram who was himself crying
Okay now both of you can we go home said Maiya who has tears in her eyes while seeing these two

After sometimes

Everyone was having their lunch together but than Krishna say something
Dau I'm sorry said by Krishna who has tears in his eyes
Why are you saying sorry when I wasn't even angry with you said balram while hugging his little brother who is more important that his own life


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13 ⏰

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