Part- 13 Prom🎀

Start from the beginning

Lexi quickly came towards you. He was lost into your mysterious, Hazel eyes.

Lexi- Y/n! Are you okay?

You both snapped in.

Y/n- Yes, I am.

Lexi- Thank god! Take care of yourself.

You just nodded.

Lexi- C'mon the show is gonna start.

Y/n- Where's Sofia and Jimin?

Jungkook- They are waiting for us near the stage.

All four of you went there.

Yoongi- Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen!

Everyone cheered

Yoongi- Welcome to the Prom 2023. I, Min Yoongi will be your host for tonight.

Yoongi- So all the ladies, there are some pieces of paper, pens and a jar. Write your names on the chits and put it inside the jar and we'll start the game.

All the girls wrote their names on the papers and kept them in the jar. Sofia and Lexi insisted you so you also did the same.

Yoongi was seeing who your partner actually was but couldn't as You, and the other two pairs were standing near eachother.

Yoongi- So let's begin the game of truth and dare! So the rules are like this- I'll pick a chit from the bowl in the left which has a dare written in it and then a name from this jar and the person who's name is there has to do the dare with their date. And the couple who will do the dares the best, will have more chance to be the couple of the night. So let the game begin!

Everyone cheered while you regreted your choice but low-key was feeling butterflies.

There were people who did the dares perfectly and brought a smile on the crowd's face.

Yoongi- So the next dare is... To sing a few lines for your partner. They could be from any song.

Yoongi- Soo the dare goes to... Hwang Sofia!

They both went up.

Everyone cheered for her as she had a really good voice. She thought for a bit, looked towards me, I nodded and she then again looked towards Jimin and started singing-

If... You got a girlfriend,
I am jealous of her.
But, if you're single,
That's honestly worst.
Cause you're soo gorgeous,
It actually hurts.
Ocean blue eyes,
Lookin in mine,
I feel like I might,
Sink, and, drown, and Die.

The crowd hooted and cheered. This time, you were also happy for her and cheered.

Yoongi- Thankyou Sofia and Jimin!

They both came back and stood next to you.

Lexi- Girll! Your voice is soo beautiful!

Y/n- Indeed!

Sofia- Thankyou!

Taehyung- Looks like someone else is blushing. *He said looking towards Jimin who was blushing soo hard XD*

After 2-3 names-

Yoongi- The next dare is to... Hold a Lip-lock for minimum 20 seconds.

You were again doubting your decision to put your name in the jar after seeing the dares.

Yoongi- The name is... Lee Lexi!

They both went up.

Jungkook held Lexi's waist and her neck.

Yoongi- So the timer starts now!

Deep inside, Yoongi was also feeling cringed

They both kissed eachother. The kiss was much passionate as it was both of theirs first kiss too. She had never kissed Kai and he was there, standing in the corner burning with Jealousy.

Due to the lack of oxygen, they pulled off.

Yoongi- So your time was 37 seconds!

Everyone clapped. Lexi felt shy but the international Playboy was proud of himself 😂

Yoongi- You can go back to your respective places

Yoongi- The next dare is- Your date has to propose you to be their girlfriend with a ring!

Everyone cheered as this was the most interesting dare till now.

He first opened the name and was shocked and exited to see their partner.

Yoongi- So, it looks like that my sister is not going to be single anymore!

You were shocked after hearing this sentence.

The crowd was filled with questions like-

???- He has a sister who studied in our school!?

???- I bet her sister would be soo pretty!

The other two couple and Taehyung were looking at you.

Yoongi- Please welcome, Min Y/n with her partner!

???- She is his sister!

???- Gosh the school goddess will be committed to the heartthrob!

Your feet felt like glued to the ground, your stomach was filled with butterflies, actually the whole zoo.

Sofia- Go Y/n!

She pushed you and Taehyung dragged you till there.

Yoongi- So you are his partner! Y/n is lucky. Please bring the ring-

He was about to complete the sentence until Taehyung cut him off.

Taehyung- No need for it, I was thinking to do this from a long time.

He pulled out a box with a heart shaped, black diamond ring with some small diamonds around the rim and turned towards you, took a step forward and knelt down on his left knee.

He pulled out a box with a heart shaped, black diamond ring with some small diamonds around the rim and turned towards you, took a step forward and knelt down on his left knee

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Taehyung- Y/n, I love you! Will you be my girlfriend?


Hey guys!🙈

I hope you liked this part💖

To know Y/n's answer, give this part a vote and comment what do you think she did🎀❤️


Word count- 1336

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