Chapter 12 : Potatoes

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French fries...

One of the best thing Y/n discovered when she was new to earth. There are several flavors that you can add or dip it in tomato ketchup, mayo, mustard or ice cream.

In short, the tastiest staple she can put in her mouth without a frown.

Every piece was savored and eaten. In every bite, the crunchiness and softness rotated beautifully with the sour cream flavour that lingers.

In fact, she could just lie down atop a tree branch and eat, but job goes between her and life.

No wonder the stones came up with the decision to give her a high school persona back then when she attended the neighboring planet, because adulting sucks. Job that you hate, responsibility of doing that job you hate, financial problems more often than not, mental exhaustion, and... That cycle goes on everyday.

Adult stone life isn't for her. But being poor gave her no choice in life but to work and buy her own grain in the future. Didn't want to burden that insomniac brother over there for all her out of this world demands after all.

Although Levi can provide, given the fact that he was promoted to higher ranks. But the standard of Y/n's life in this earth is almost equivalent to that of a banquet of a king with his astronomical budget in food.

Good thing the kid can take out food out of thin air. But it's just sad thinking that this place couldn't even hold her high. The fact that even a luxury meal is even lower than lunch rush's cafeteria standards.

Anyway, back to that potato...

"French fries?" A piece of long sliced potato was raised in the air, inspecting it like a piece of jewelry.

As any other conversation, Y/n was faced with yet another serious conversation regarding food. Something ordinary people would not bother doing when looking at a fastfood menu.

Unlike the first timers who got a see on what kind of delicacy does this girl had again, held the 'french fries' with caution. She, on the other hand, picked up one gold stick and ate.

"Potato is accessible in the fields. And oil can be extracted by various means." She held out a palm as if she was asking for something when the small blue portal opened atop her hand where a book fell. "Also, I have here livelihood books with an easy to read German text. Farmers might want them." She added, throwing the book forward where Armin sat.

The boy clumsily caught the book and stared at it with curiosity.

He opened the book and had a short skim. "Woah, there are a lot of methods on agriculture! It will surely help grandpa and the others!"

"Sure would. Because honestly... The food sucks."

Armin awkwardly chuckled. "I see. So that was the problem."

"Yeah." The number one problem for sure, Y/n proudly agreed to herself. "You humans don't know what you're missing." She added.

"That reminds me. We met someone in Marley who is a good at cooking." Armin said.

"I know."

"You do?"

"I checked the past when I first met you." Y/n plainly replied.

"Oh. That's... How?" From surprise, Armin immediately changed to calm and nostalgia.

Y/n looked at him changed expression quickly. Observing this century old man in a body of a young boy looking very experienced. "How I shot you back to the past is equivalent to how I saw the past." She explains with no further sentence to follow.

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