viii. senior on the hockey team

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THE HOCKEY GAME WAS MOSTLY uneventful for maryah, except for the part when brady would look at her every time he scored a goal. his face would light up whenever he caught her cheering for him, or rather, for his team. 

"he's really good." kai said. "four goals in a single game and it's only the second period."

"yeah." maryah replied. she didn't know what to say other than to agree with him. 

"oh my god, look at matt!" cara-jay yelled out suddenly. the group turned their attention to the ice and watched intently as matt handled the puck and shot it straight into the goal within the last seconds of the period. the stands erupted in cheers. 

"and that's a goal scored by number twenty-two, matthew parker!" the commentator announced.

"YEAH, MATT!" maryah stood up and clapped for her friend. cara-jay was jumping up and down next to her. once the hockey team celebrated matt's goal, he skated over to the side of the rink by where his friends were sitting and shot his hands up in celebration. kai, maryah, jessica, and cara-jay cheered. 

"you're amazing!" cara-jay yelled to him. matt heard it and smiled, giving her a thumbs up. 

"you guys are so cute." jessica commented. "are you official yet?"

"not yet." cara-jay said, but she didn't seem upset. "matt said he has this whole thing planned for valentine's day to ask me out officially."

"aw!" maryah grinned at her best friend. "and you don't mind waiting another two weeks?"

"nope! he told me that he definitely will ask me to be his girlfriend, but he wants it to be a big thing."

"he's so dramatic." kai rolled his eyes. "that's cute, though."

"do you have plans for valentine's day, kai?" jessica asked. kai's face turned red and he glanced at maryah, who also looked curious for an answer. 

"not yet." he said, locking eyes with her. maryah was praying that her face wasn't as red as it felt in that moment. 

"you better ask her out soon." jessica said. "you're not the only one in line."

"what the hell is that supposed to mean?" maryah furrowed her eyebrows. 

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