Chapter 4: Farewell

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Kyeler's pov

As the limousine glides through the gates of Adrian's luxurious mansion, I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe wash over me.

The grandeur of the mansion is unlike anything I have ever seen, with its sprawling lawns, majestic columns, and towering facade.

Adrian steps out of the limousine first, his hand extended to help me out.

I take his hand tentatively, feeling a rush of warmth at his touch.

As I step out of the limousine, the grandeur of the mansion looms before me, a stark contrast to the struggle of my previous life.

The marble steps leading up to the entrance gleam in the soft light, and the scent of fresh flowers wafts through the air.

I take a moment to drink it all in, my eyes wide with wonder.

I can hear the soft rustle of leaves in the breeze, the distant sound of a fountain tinkling in the courtyard.

For a moment, I feel like I've stepped into a fairy tale, a world of luxury and extravagance that I never dared to dream of.

But as I look around, I can't shake the feeling of unease that tugs my gut.

I've never been used to this kind of luxury, never felt quite at home in such extravagant surroundings.

With a determined tilt of my chin, I take a deep breath and walk towards the entrance, my steps echoing on the marble

As I'm led through the mansion, I can't help but wonder what kind of life awaits me here.

Will I ever feel at home in these lavish surroundings? Can I find a sense of belonging in a world so different from my own?

With each passing moment, the reality of my situation sinks in deeper, the weight of expectation and duty heavy on my heart.

As I walk through the halls of the mansion, ready to face whatever challenges this new life may bring.

Original pov

The echoes of their heated exchange lingered in the air as Adrian escorted Kyeler into their opulent new home. The grandeur of the place seemed to mock the turmoil in her heart as she watched him, the cold, grumpy man she was forced to call her husband.

As they entered the spacious bedroom, Adrian wasted no time in making his intentions clear.

"I have an urgent matter to attend to. I won't be needing anything," he stated flatly, his eyes cold and distant as he turned to leave.

Kyeler's heart clenched at the dismissive tone in his voice, the weight of their forced marriage pressing down on her like a suffocating blanket. Anger and hurt mingled within her as she watched him walk away, leaving her to navigate this unfamiliar place alone.

"You can't just leave me here!" Kyeler called after him, her voice filled with a mixture of fury and frustration.

Adrian paused, his hand on the doorknob, and turned to look at her with a cool detachment.

"I have no interest in playing house with a woman I barely know," he replied, his tone cutting like a knife.

Kyeler felt a surge of indignation rise within her at his callous words
. "And I have no interest in being left to my own in a place that feels more like a prison than a home!" she shot back, her voice trembling with suppressed emotion.

Adrian's gaze hardened, his jaw tensing with suppressed anger.

"This is the reality of our situation, Kyeler," he stated, his voice low and filled with a steely resolve. "We are bound by duty, nothing more."

Kyeler felt a rush of bitterness wash over her at the truth of his words. Duty. Obligation. These were the shackles that bound them together, two strangers forced into a marriage neither wanted.

"Well, don't expect me to play the dutiful wife while you waltz off to attend to your 'urgent matters'," Kyeler retorted, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

Adrian's eyes flashed with a hint of annoyance at her defiance. "Do as you please," he replied coolly, turning to leave without another word.

Left alone in the vast emptiness of their lavish home, Kyeler felt the weight of her loneliness settle over her like a heavy cloak. Anger and frustration bubbled within her, a tempest of emotions that threatened to consume her.

"I won't be trapped in this cage," Kyeler muttered to herself, her voice filled with determination.

With a resolute tilt of her chin, she set about exploring the unfamiliar rooms of their new home. The Exsequite furnishings and the grandeur of the decor did little to ease the ache in her heart. Every corner seemed to whisper of confinement, of the chains that bound her to a life she never wanted.

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