A new departure

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I woke up this morning (unfortunately) as the sun filtered through the window. I did not want to wake up, who would anyway... But I had to, my brother was probably worried after all. Not only  him, I guess he told Rui, they got pretty close, and they think I didn't notice..fools! It's fine, I wanna know what they're up to, and if they know that I know, they will be on their guards.. conclusion, this is the best situation!!...

It's worthless if I'm not here...

It's worthless if I cannot see them...

It's worthless if they lock up my emotions... L i k e   h e   a l r e a d y   d i d.

H e   a l r e a d y   b r o k e   m e.

I   w o n t   l e t   h i m,   n o t   t h i s   t i m e 

T h i s

I s 

W a r 







LMAO I'm turning Emo that's not good, but seriously, what can I do? I cannot stay in Mizuki's house today, or they'll be in trouble, and I don't want to involve anyone... It's him against my will , against my passion and my feelings.

*ding! ding!*

Wait, their parents are home already?!!

"Hoho! If it isn't you! Y/NNNN SOMEONE'S HERE FOR YOUUU~"

Huh? Who can it be? Maybe my brother, he knows that i'm still really close to Mizuki. So ... WHAT?

"Morning dear Y/n! Your new stage director is here to make your life better!" The purple haired guy said with a dramatic gesture.

"Rui?! But... How- When... I mean..."

"Your brother told me about your situation, and since you weren't at your house, I've figured that you would be here" he said with a goofy expression... He is so f*cking worried... You really think you can hide that from me?!! HAhahaha of course you can't because I-


He caught me of guards. He just wrapped his arms around me, and hold me close to him.

"I'm sorry, truly sorry, maybe I shouldn't show up like that, but I was really worried, and I don't want you to go, Y/n I..."

"Stop this you're going to make me cry! 😭"

"Ri-right sorry"

POV: Rui

Crap I almost accidentally confessed, that's not the reason why I'm here.

"Y/n, since you're leaving soon, you just joined our troupe, I told Tsukasa and the other, we are planning to put on a great performance, with and for you. What do you think about it."


She... Is crying? 

OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG nonononononononono that's not good I didn't want her to cry I thought she would be happy I-... ?

"Thank you."

She just basically hugged me, and my heart is about to explode.

"Thank you... *snif*... For everything..."

Her grip felt tighter, and I couldn't help but started to cry too. Even Mizuki had hard time holding their tears...

"I don't want to leave... I don't want to loose all of you, I don't want to be captive from music again, I just want to feel it like I'm doing with all of you, I- I'm scared of loosing everything I own just like last time..."

Rui Kamishiro x reader: When two geniuses meetWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt