Chapter 6

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"The Mystery Woman Now Mrs. Suryavamshi: Unraveling the Enigma"

Adil Suryavamshi's whirlwind romance has culminated in marriage, sending the world into a flurry of questions about the newest addition to the Suryavamshi family. Who is this mysterious woman, and from whence did she emerge?

"Jet-Setting Honeymoon: Luxurious Love or Environmental Concerns?"

The newlyweds, Adil and his bride, set off on a lavish honeymoon to the romantic city of Paris. Their stay in opulent hotels and the use of a private jet have garnered attention. As the world marvels at their extravagant love story, questions arise about the environmental impact of such grandeur. Does the new bride consider the carbon footprint left behind in the name of love?

"Unfortunate Beginnings: Is Adil's New Wife a Harbinger of Bad Luck?"

Even before stepping into her new home, Adil's wife finds herself entangled in family turmoil. Vaidehi Suryavamshi, the family matriarch, has been hospitalized and is reported to be in critical condition. Questions arise about whether the arrival of the new bride is a mere coincidence or something more ominous.

"A Fateful Visit: Adil and His Wife at Vaidehi's Side"

As Adil and his wife visit the ailing matriarch in the hospital, rumours and speculations continue to swirl. Some dare to suggest that the bride's presence has cast a shadow over the Suryavamshi family. Vaidehi's condition worsens, leading to an unforeseen and tragic outcome.

"The Mansion's New Inhabitant: Implications for Vaidehi's Recovery"

With Adil's wife officially entering the billionaire's grand mansion, questions persist about what this means for Vaidehi Suryavamshi's precarious health. Can she make a recovery with the new addition to the family? The uncertainty surrounding her condition leaves everyone on edge.

In the midst of it all, the tabloids spare no mercy in their headlines, and I find myself caught in a maelstrom of hurtful words. Tears stream down my face as I read the accusatory stories that insinuate I might be the reason behind my mother-in-law's health crisis. The weight of these archaic insinuations shakes me to my core.

As I sit alone with these damning reports, I can't help but wonder whether Adil has stumbled upon these hurtful articles. Could they possibly influence his perception of me? The fear of him believing these baseless accusations gnaws at my heart.

I contemplate the repercussions of these rumours on my connections with friends and family. The thought that they might buy into these malicious stories, painting me as an unwitting villain, adds to my anguish. It's a heavy burden to bear, and I am utterly devastated by the harsh judgments of the outside world.

I feel strong hands embracing me from behind. 'Darling! I am so sorry about all this. I should have warned you. This is part of being in the Suryavamshi family. The tabloids don't care that there is a thing called privacy. Anything and everything we do is fodder to sell their papers.'

I turn around to face Adil. Up close, I can see a tired face and bags under his eyes from lack of sleep. I also noticed a few grey strands which were not there during our time in Paris. I hug him tight and bury my face in his chest. His scent reminds me of the wonderful time we had in Paris and makes me feel better instantly.

'Do you think it could be true, though? Mother did fall sick after we got married. She was fine before that?' I voice my concern.

He holds me by my shoulders, pushes me away from his chest, and stares into my eyes. 'Don't you ever say that! This is what they do. They sow the seeds of doubt in our midst so that we end up creating more drama for them. I have stopped reading news about my family for a long time, and you will also stop reading news about us from now onwards."

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