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Keiji pov:



She puts her hand on my shoulder and looks at me in the eyes deeply.

"Don't all."

"Ill tell you everything later Keiji... Now is not a good time.."

She says it with a super low voice and her eyes look persuasive.

"i won't y/n..don't worry your friendly policeman is here for you"

Y/n looks at me and smiles and we begin our way out of the room.

What does she mean by don't trust Kai...

I mean yeah i was very skeptical of him in the beginning but it looks like there is much more to the story of them that hasn't been revealed yet...

She has said a lot of stuff about him but this seems very convincing...


Y/N pov:

We both walk out of the blue room to see a boy with brown hair all over the place.

"Did you find anything Joe?", says Keiji.

"No not yet.. but i am glad y/n woke up!!"

Joe  looks at me and smiles.

"Hi im Joe Tazuna nice to meet ya!!!", Joe says cheerfully while shaking my hand aggressively.

"Hello!!", i say

"Joeee!!! where did you gooo", someone yells, it sounds like a girl

"COMING SARA IM SORRY...", yells Joe 

Joe starts to run away while saying a mumbled "Nice meeting you!!"

Keiji and I turn to look at eachother.

"So.. where are the others?"

"Ill take you to go meet them now!! they will be excited that you woke up..", says Keiji.

The next hour Keiji introduces me to everybody and catches me up on everything that has happened so far, then i decide to look around on my own to see if i can find anything interesting.

I walk into the bar to see Kanna and Reko.

"Hey Kanna and Reko..", i say while walking up to them.

She is still crying from whatever happened earlier...

Reko is comforting her.

"Hey y/n..", says Reko

"Hows Kanna?", i say worriedly while looking at Kanna

"Shes doing better than before but she is still really upset..", says Reko sadly

Kanna suddenly stops crying and sniffles.

"Kanna is ready to tell you now...."

Reko and I look at each other, then at Kanna who is trying to compose herself.

"Kanna... was with Kugie..."

"We were in a room...."

She starts crying again..

"Kanna its don't have to tell us yet if your not ready", i say.

"who is Kugie Kanna?", says Reko

"Kugie is my sister.... and kanna is ready to tell you both..", says Kanna

"We were in a room with nothing in it... and Kugie was tied up and Kanna had to save her in time but.."

Kanna stops and begins to cry again

Me and Reko go over and hug her

I can't imagine losing a family member.. i feel bad for Kanna she is only a grade schooler..

"Kanna wants to be alone for now... but Kanna will recover.. for Kugie..", says Kanna while trembling.

Kanna runs out the room and it is just me and Reko

"I feel so bad...", says Reko

"Me too..she is so young..."

"Hey... i know we barely know each other but i don't really know who to trust in this game..", says Reko.

What is she talking about.. does she not trust me..

"And i'm getting some great vibes from you.. and i was wondering if you would be my friend.. even a ally.."

Wow i didn't think anybody would want to ally with me in this game.. especially not Kai..

"Of course!!", i say

"Thank you..."

Maybe Reko is just scared and wants to ally with me.. or maybe she actually wants to be my ally for a good reason.. i don't know.

"So.. has that asshole said anything to you since you woke up?", says Reko

"No not yet.. Keiji has been helping me stay away from him.."

"Kai is the worst Boyfriend ever.", says Reko

"He's not even my boyfriend...", i say

"So he lied and told everybody?! what a shit.", says Reko angrily

"i know... ", i say sadly while looking at the ground

"Hey.. don't let that fucker take advantage of you!!", exclaims Reko

" i won't!!"

i'm going to confront Kai.

Keiji wont  like it but its for the best.

Kai Satou is a asshole, just like Reko said.


I'm so sorry for not posting yesteday!! I had a lot of schoolwork to catch up on. remember to vote and tomorrow chapter 7 comes out!! 

Charmer- Keiji Shinogi x reader,  a yttd fangame 🍀Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora