Chapter 2 Alive...

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"You can't, keep looking." Eren did what he told him and saw...

"No..." Eren gasped as he saw his father standing over Annie. Holding her by the hair.

"What do you feel like doing...?" Little Armin asked. Eren simply watch and see Mikasa, Armin, Sasha...Christa and Ymir and some lady tied up. On the couch was him...dead or something and Eren realized that he was actually dead. His heart beat increasing by the second and until he finally spoke.

"Screw my father..." Eren growled but not by the anger he felt towards his father but for not being there to protect the woman he loved. Around Eren were flames expanding in the house, everything bursting into flames including him and little Armin disappeared. "I'm going to protect my family and Annie!"

//Annie POV//

"Let us go or you're in a world of pain!" Annie shouted. He was once again holding Carla's face up by the face.

"Maybe I should kill you first." Grisha said as he looked at Annie.

"W-What?" Annie couldn't believe he was ok with simply saying something like that. He stood up and Annie followed his hands as it went to his pocket and he pulled out a knife.

"I'd been dying to see what happens to someone screaming if I cut off their tongues." Grisha said.

"No..." Annie eyes widened as she watch him approach her with the knife. She closed her eyes and felt him grab her by the hair. "EREN-"

"LET HER GO!!!" she heard a male shout and felt the hand grabbing her hair let go. "AHHH!!"

"Impossible?!" she heard Grisha cried out. "Get him!"

"AHHHH! LEAVE MY FAMILY ALONE! I DAMN YOU FOR BEING A WORTHLESS FATHER!" once she heard that, she open her eyes. And saw one of the Titans being thrown through the window and Grisha running out the door. A pair of feet slammed down a few feet away from in front of her. She slowly looks up to see... did Annie thought as she recognized his brown hair, the green eyes and wearing all black.

"Eren..." Annie was staring at Eren. Her boyfriend was alive and she simply couldn't believe it...but she was seeing him herself. He ran at two Titans in front of him and lifted them up.

"Eren!" she heard everyone gasped except Mikasa who was still gag. Annie shook herself from the shock and worked on the knots of the rope and finally was able to break free. She ran to Mikasa and untied her in order to join the fight, in which Mikasa did.

"Get the others free, Annie. This is going to get ugly." Mikasa told her.

"Did he just...called Grisha...father?" Annie heard Carla say but Annie ignored her as she went to untie Armin.

"How is he still..." Annie heard Armin ask as they all watched Mikasa and Eren fighting the remaining Titans that haven't left.

"I don't know..." Annie said but she didn't care. She felt tears running down her cheeks and she smiled. She was crying in joy. "I just care that he is alive."

//Eren POV//

I'm alive! How the hell am I alive?! Argh! Never mind that...I'm ALIVE! Eren thought happily as he drop kicks a Titan out of the house.

"Eren, how...?" Mikasa cried out as she fought along him.

"Don't know but I'm glad!" Eren said.

A few minutes later, they finally defeated the last Titan and now they stood breathing heavily. Eren sigh as he sat down but then-

"EREN!" he turns around to see Annie jump at him. "EREN! EREN!"

(Eren X Annie Book 2) Hurry Up and Save MeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ