Chapter 20 : Game Night

Depuis le début

What no what am I even thinking. Sirius doesn't feel like that for me and I don't feel like that for him. We are friends. We are roommates for merlin's sake.

"I'm heading to grab dinner, wanna come with?" Sirius snaps me out of my thoughts.

"I already ate, but thanks." I hadn't ate yet but I can't be in Sirius's presence after what had happened in my mind.

Sirius left the room after I denied leaving me again in my thoughts.

Sirius Black.

It wouldn't be that bad.
Liking him.


I need to go on a walk to clear my head.

I grab my coat from the hanger and leave my room in a hurry.

I couldn't even make it out of the common room without seeing a circle of familiar faces.

James, Remus, Peter, Lily, Marlene and another girl I didn't know were all circled up. They we're laughing really hard about something before peter spotted me.

"Oi Y/n Come here!" He shouts waving his hand towards the group of them.

I look to the faces of everyone else. The only one who looked like they wouldn't mind me walking over was Remus. He looked a little bored to be honest.

I awkwardly walked over to them, "Yeah?"

"Come join us! We're playing a muggle game."Peter says and gestures to Lily.

"It's called Truth or Dare." She says, "Here you can sit next to me." She scoots over a bit making a small space between her and the girl I wasn't familiar with.

I tried to tell them I was busy but after a bit of back and forth, I was sitting down beside a redhead.

The game went on with a lot of exposing truths and many gross dares. Marlene ate an ant off the floor. I could've thrown up.

It was kind of fun, mostly because I haven't had to reveal anything to secret since I have been choosing truths the whole time.

It was peters turn to ask someone and he chose James.

"James truth or dare?"

James confidently answered without a thought.


We all watched as Peter sat there thinking about all the possibilities.

"I dare you to kiss y/n."

My eyes widen in shock.

Why me? Lily was sitting perfectly fine next to me and we'd all know how badly James would want that.

James eyes shift from Peters to mine.

Everyone around us had started to cheer as James rose from his seat.

My mind couldn't wrap around what was actually happening. Was James really going to kiss me? What about Regulus?

James had gotten close to me but I pushed him off.

"No!" I shout a little too loud. I couldn't do that to Regulus.

"This game is dumb." I rose up and ran to my room closing the door shut behind me.

I slid down against the wall, I wanted to cry a little but not enough to actually let tears fall.

I heard a knock at the door and I knew who it was.

"Go away James." I say but that didn't stop him. He opened the door and slid down right beside me. His elbow was rubbing against mine and I wanted to push him away all over again.

"Y/n, Regulus and I broke up."


They were doing just dandy a while ago.

"He, he broke up with me." James covered his face with his hands.

"I'm sorry." I mumble.

"I asked him to come home with me over the summer and he broke up with me." James takes a deep breath, "I just wanted to help him."

James thinks he can be there for everyone but he can't. Not for everyone.

"I know James." I move his hands from his face and held them in mine.

How did I end up comforting James Potter?

"I'm here for you if you want to talk." I say wanting him to know he wasn't alone.

He smiles at me staring at me with his blue eyes. His hand moved up from mine to my face.


He cut me off by pressing his lips against mine.

I immediately pulled back, trying to understand what was happening but the desperation in his face didn't allow that.

I kissed him back and he grabbed my waist easily pulling me over his legs onto his lap so I was straddling him.

His hands were all over me. One of mine rested behind his neck, the other one in his hair.

His lips were really soft. He smelled so nice.

I was kissing James. My James.

Roommates (Sirius Black x reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant