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The music at Rita's was pulsing through my body. A layer of sweat coated my skin as I swayed with the beat.

As the song came to an end, I pushed my way off the dancefloor and towards the bar. I was out there dancing through several songs, and I was parched.

"Can I get a glass of wine?" I asked the bartender as she stepped up to me.

She poured me a glass and slid it my way. "What was the name on the tab, honey?"

I opened my mouth, but before I could say my name, a smooth masculine voice answered "You can put her drinks on my tab."

I whirled around to see none other than the High Lord of the Night Court gazing down at me. He was flanked by two taller men with wings.

"Hello, darling. We've been waiting for you." The High Lord purred down at me. His two companions chuckled and I could feel their eyes drag over my body.

The High Lord was wearing a sleek all black suit. His black hair was neatly styled up and out of his face. His eyes were the most beautiful shade of violet I had ever seen. I could swear I saw sparkles in them, almost as if they were full of stars. I looked to the man on his left and my eyes caught on shadows that danced around his shoulders. His hair was also black but it had a slight curl to it as it fell slightly down his forehead. His eyes were a warm shade of hazel. He was wearing a black button down shirt and black pants. My eyes drifted to the other Illyrian on the High Lord's right. His eyes were the same golden hazel as the other Illyrian. His black, wavy hair was longer though. It was shoulder length and he had half of it tied up into a small bun on the top of his head. His button down shirt was white but he also had on black pants. All three of them had beautiful tanned skin that shined under their sweat and the flashing lights of the club.

I was in my usual going-out attire, a black dress with straps that criss-crossed around my shoulder blades and a pair of silver stilettos. But tonight I felt like it was just rags. Something about these three males made me want to impress them. I understood wanting to impress the High Lord. But I have no idea who the other two men were. All I knew was that they were Illyrian. Their wings gave that much away.

After I finished assessing their appearance, and shamelessly saving the images into my mind for private use, I finally acknowledged what the High Lord said. "Wait, you have been looking for me?" I took a long drink of my wine.

The three men chuckled again. The sound was so warm and inviting I felt myself lean into it.

"We caught on to your presence about a month ago. You were dancing with Mor at this very club." The long haired one said in a deep, warm voice.

"Who is Mor?" I was searching through my memory. No one came to mind. I have danced with so many different people during my nights partying.

The High Lord laughed out loud and the Illyrian in shadows shook with silent laughter. "Don't let Mor know she was forgettable to you." The High Lord reached out his hand "Come with us and we will reintroduce you to her."

I thought for a moment while I finished my glass of wine. In one movement, I placed it on the bartop and took the High Lord's hand.

We walked right through the crowd of dancing bodies and across to a table roped off. I knew this table well. It was always empty, waiting for the nights that the High Lord and his group of friends decided to come out. There were many nights that a gorgeous blonde would be sitting there with different people. But the High Lord rarely frequented the table.

That blonde was sitting there now with a petite dark haired woman.

The High Lord pulled me to his side and the Illyrians stood behind us.

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