Neville Longbottom x Reader

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You and Hermione were talking about going dress shopping for the Yule Ball during the next trip to Hogsmeade,when she elbows you in the arm and pointd at a group of boys. Your friends to be exact,Harry, Ron, Seamus, Dean, Fred, George, Lee Jordan, and Neville ( you have a huge crush on Neville).
All of them are looking at Neville, talking to him with smirks on their faces. Hermione elbows you again and winks at you, then leaves. You wonder why she winked at you, but your thoughts are interrupted by someone tapping you on the shoulder.
You turn to see Neville standing there blushing and looking down at his feet. You say,"Hey Neville." "Hi, (y/n). Can I ask you something?" he stutters. "You just did," you reply laughing slightly. But when you realise how uncomfortable he looks you say,"But you can ask me something else." He smiles and says," WillyougototheYuleBallwithme?" in one breath. You smile instantly and say "Yes, yes of course I would love to go with you!" Then you get on your tippy toes because are much shorter than him and kiss him on the cheek and walk away. Leaving him there smiling and blushing as the other boys crowd around him and pat him on the back.
Later that day at lunch you thank all the boys for making Neville ask you.

Authors note
This is the first fanfiction I have ever written so please leaves comments on how I can make it better but,please don't be rude about it.
Thank you all do much for reading this!!!!! :)))

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