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After a fun filled Saturday the couple woke up late on a Sunday.Taehyung was up first.He washed his face and brushed his teeth before going downstairs for himself and his fiance.

When Jungkook woke up he went to the bathroom and did his morning routine.Afterwards he went out to look for his fiance.When he got downstairs his nostrils were welcomed by the aroma of egg omlete and bacon.

He tiptoed to the kitchen and went to backhug Taehyung who recognized his scent right away

"You are up.How was your night?"

"Every night with you by my side is beautiful.I always sleep like a baby when you are holding me.That should go without saying."Jungkook said

Taehyung smiled and said"Since we can only sleep better in each other's company how about you just move in already.The wait is killing me"


"Yes baby?"

"Are you sure you won't ever get tired of seeing me and going to bed with me everyday.I just had this thought and I'm scared that you will get bored of me one day?"Jungkook asked earnestly

"If spouses easily get bored or tired of each other do you think anyone would have gotten married?Why would people even bother to vow to spend a lifetime with each other.What would be the point honestly"

"Then if i ever do anything that upsets you will you please tell me right away so i can apologize"the omega said

"And i ask the same of you.Neither of us is perfect you know but we can make this relationship work through communication.It's key in every relationship"

"I understand your honor"

"Come here"Taehyung turned to the omega and then hoisted him up on the on the kitchen counter.He stood right between his legs and started caressing his exposed thighs.

Jungkook suddenly wished he had worn something long enough to cover his legs as well as his thighs.Taehyung was touchy as hell and would easily grope him in public when he thinks no one is watching.

"What are you doing?"Jungkook whispered

"Nothing"Taehyung said lazily

"Taehyung not this early in the morning please"the omega whined

"It's not that early.It's around nine"

"I'm hungry"

"I am too"

"Why do i get the feeling that we are not talking about the same hunger?"the omega frowned

"Because we are not.I want to taste those juicy lips of yours first thing in the morning"

"Maybe in your dreams"Jungkook teased

"Are you daring me Jungkook.You know i can take it if i really want.Now tell me do we do it the easy way or the hard way"

"When are you ever satisfied with anything Taehyung?"Jungkook asked

"I'm a big guy with a big appetite"

Jungkook rolled his eyes.Who knew such a distinguished judge would be so dirty minded.No one would ever guess that he had that lewd side to him.

"Are you sure about refusing me Jungkook?"Taehyung arched a brow

"And what if i am?"the omega challenged

"Come on.I'm just asking for a kiss.You said that we won't have any more sex until we get married and i respect that.You never mentioned anything about kissing.Am i asking for too much my love?"the alpha's features were overly innocent

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