Chapter 2: Break and Preparation

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Disclaimer: everything besides Beverly and her family belong to Voltage inc. And Be my princess 2 game.


Few days later......

I woke up feeling so much better. I got out of the bed and walked to the bathroom to wash my face. {I guess I needed a good night sleep.} I washed my face and brushed my teeth really good. I did my hair. I put it up in a pony tail.

I walked into my room to my walk-closet to look at the clothes to wear. I got myself a purple long sleeve shirt with blue skinny jeans. I changed into my clothes. I got my brown boots and wore them. It was a bit cold today.

I walked out of the closet and out of my room to go to the dining room for my breakfast. As usual, the staff bowed down to me. I gave them a smile and said my morning greetings to them. They were working really hard.

I got to the dining room to see Ivan reading a newspaper while drinking his coffee. His breakfast hadn't arrive yet. I walked up to the table and sat down next to him. Ivan looked up from the newspaper and gave me a smile.

"Good morning Beverly," he said to me. I gave him a smile. "Good morning," I said to him. I looked around to see Mikhail making his way over to us. "Good morning Your Royal Highness. Lady Beverly," Mikhail greeted us.

"Good morning Mikhail," I said to him. Ivan gave him a nod. Soon, our breakfast arrived to the table. It was porridge. There was also eggs, sausage, and toast. I sprinkled a bit of sugar and some cinnamon on my porridge for taste. I took Ivan's bowl of porridge and did the same for him.

"Here," I said to him. Ivan looked up from his newspaper to look at his bowl in my hand. He folded up his newspaper and placed it next to his plate. "Thank you," he said to me and took his bowl. The porridge tasted really good...considering that I flavored it to my liking.

"How was dinner at the minister?" I asked him. "It went very well. The minister was wonder where you were but, I told him that you were busy with princess training," he said to me. "That's nice of you. So how was the talk about national security?" I asked him.

"Everything went great. The Prime Minister's daughter Polina had some expertise in national security. We had a deep discussion about protecting people's identity and keeping the public safe" he said to me.

"That's great," I said to him. "She was wondering where you were since you never met her," he said to me."Oh. Well next time I'll go with you and meet her," I said to him. He gave me a nod. Then, I saw him frown a bit.

{Is something wrong?} "When I came back, I saw that you went to sleep early. You don't normally sleep early," he said to me. "I had been tired from studying too much. So I slept early," I said to him. He gave me a nod.

"You should take a break today. You had been studying nonstop. You really hadn't had a break from doing anything important. I don't want you to over strain yourself," he said to me. "Okay," I said to him. He was right.

I hadn't had much breaks since I came back to the kingdom. I had been focused on my rehabilitation and my princess studies. I didn't have a break to have myself rest from doing anything. We finished our breakfast and tea was brought to me.

"Tomorrow, the kingdom celebrating my father's 40th anniversary as monarch," Ivan said to me. "Known as the Ruby Jubilee right?" I said to him. He gave me a smile. "Correct. The whole royal family will be together with the nobles. We will be telling them about our engagement before we officially announce it to the world," he said to me.

He took my hand and gave it a squeeze. "There is nothing that is going to stop us from being together," he said to me. I nodded in agreement. We waited over a year to be together. We knew that we belonged together.

Mikhail stood next to Ivan. "Your Royal Highness. We are needed at the throne room," he said to him. "Alright Mikhail," Ivan said to him. Ivan looked at me. "Rest for today. I'll see you as soon as I'm done," he said to me.

"Take your time," I said to him. He got up from his seat and walked out of the dining room. After finishing my tea, I got up from my seat and made my way to my room to spend some time with Snieg and Urey.

Once inside my room, I saw them coming up to me. "You guys want to go out for a walk?" I asked them. "BARK!" they responded to me happily. I walked into my closet and got my thick coat. It was really cold out today.

We walked to the stables and I saddled up my horse. Ivan taught me how to approach a horse and saddle one. It was the same horse that I used when I first came into the fortress. I got onto the horse and walked into the forest behind the fortress.

Urey and Snieg went on ahead of me so that they could get some exercise. I made sure to walk so that I didn't step into holes on the ground. Urey and Snieg seemed very happy to be outside in the cold.

I looked up in the sky to see that it was cloudy. "At least it's not snowing," I said to myself. It hadn't snowed much since I came back to the kingdom months ago. People had thought that it was because of me.

After an hour, I whistled them to come back to me. I thought that it was a good time to go back to the fortress. I had to prepare myself for tomorrow's Jubilee. I made my way back to the stable. After putting the horse in the stable, I walked into the fortress with the wolves behind me.

I made my way back to my room and walked into the walk-in closet to look for a dress to wear. I had many dresses to choose from on the rack. I took out a few dresses and looked myself on the mirror. I decided to wear a violet dress.

I put the dresses back on the rack. I was nervous about meeting the whole family. I had met their majesties and Ivan's sisters. I didn't meet his extended family...close up. I remembered some of them during Ivan's "funeral."

I looked into my jewelry box to see what jewelry to wear. I didn't see anything that would match with the dress. I remembered that I should just be myself. There was only one jewelry that I needed on me.

I looked at the ring on my finger. It was the ring that Ivan proposed to me with at the forest. The ring always made me smile. It reminded me of him and his love for me. The ring was given to many brides of the crown prince of Sancta Sybil.


I turned to the door to see my lady-in-waiting. "Lady Beverly. You are needed for a fitting," she said to me. "A fitting?" I said to her in confusion. "Yes. His Royal Highness wanted to you to get a new dress for tomorrow," she said to me. "Alright," I said to her.

I followed her out of my room.


It had been a stressful day. I had to get fitted in a few new dress to wear through out the week. I had to get my hair done and get new shoes for the dress. I ate little at lunch and finished my dinner. I didn't see Ivan all day since he was busy for tomorrow himself.

I was in my room getting ready for bed. I had felt dizzy a couple of times during the day. I had thought maybe I was stressed and exhausted from everything today. I needed to get some sleep to be prepared for tomorrow.

I got into be and fell asleep.

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