Training and Entrance Exam

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I don't want to go into too much detail as to how Izumi meets All Might. Let's just say that All Might saw potential in Izumi due to her caring for her friends and brother, as well as her dedication in wanting to becoming a hero. Katsuki was visiting as well, so he also got to meet All Might and learn about OFA. Anyway, let's continue with the story.

The trio arrive at Dagobah beach and see All Might waiting for them.

AM: Glad to see you all made it.

Izuku: Well, I wouldn't want to miss out on watching my sister get stronger.

Katsuki: And who would pass up the chance to train with the number one hero?

AM: That's what I like to hear. Young Izumi, before you can receive my power you'll need to train your body, so as training, you will be cleaning this entire beach.

Izumi: Oh, okay I'll do my best.

Izuku: I know you can do it Izumi.

Small timeskip. Izumi was training to drag a washing machine but to no avail.

Katsuki: Come on Izumi, I know you can do it. Do you think you're going to prove those jerks wrong by just giving up?

Izumi: I'm trying, it isn't easy.

Izuku: It's okay Zumi, just relax try your best.

Izumi: How do you do it Zuku, how can you keep smiling despite everything that we've been through?

AM: He's right, and I know that when people are in danger, your smile will be there to help reassure them. So, are you ready?

Izumi: Yes.

AM: Then let's continue with your training.

Katsuki: We're proud of you Zumi.

Izuku: I knew you could do it.

Izuku gave a proud smile which made Izumi even happier.

AM: Now, it's time for you to receive my quirk, for that you'll need to ingest the current user's DNA, the least gross thing would be hair.

All Might plucks his hair and gives it to Izumi.

AM: Just to warn you, you were put together in a hurry so you won't be able to use it at 100% and you still need to digest it in order to gain OFA.

Izumi: Okay, here goes.

Izumi put the hair in her mouth and swallowed it, right before she gagged.

AM: Sorry, I might have forgotten to use conditioner so it might not taste really good.

Izumi: It's okay, I can handle it.

Izuku: Well, now that your end of the deal is met, it's time for me to fulfill my end.

Izuku puts his hand on All Might's injury and starts to heal it. Once it faded All Might immediately buffed up.

AM: Whoa, amazing young Izuku, you not only healed my injury and regenerated my organs, but it feels like I'm in my prime again.

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