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Today was a regular Thursday, or so Aurora thought it would be. It was not. It was actually hectic for her.

The young goddess went to Yancy Academy which was away from home. It was much safer for the girl over there but today, she was on a school trip to the museum to study greek mythology which was lead by mister Brunner.

She was listening to mister Brunner talk about the statues but mrs Dodds was staring intensely at her, so she did what she usually did when she was on the train when older men watched her.

She stared back, twice as hard.

They were doing that for a while until mister Bruner had called to her.

"Aurora Helios? Could you answer that?"

The man in the wheelchair had asked her a question and she didn't even realise. He had to repeat it because she was too interested in why mrs Dodds was staring at her.

What is she staring at? Do I look funny? No, I never look funny, I'm gorgeous. Anyway, Mister Brunner had asked,

"who is this goddess and this god?"

He had pointed to two statues near him. Aw, of course I know them. Mum and Dad. I replied with,

"That's Apollo, the god of the Sun and Light and that goddess over there is the goddess of beauty and love, she's called Aphrodite. Aphrodite was created from the foam of the sea from Cronus throwing his fathers body part into the water"

"very good, Aurora Helios. you must have studied" he had said with a slight smile as if he knew something.

This blonde boy was staring at me, and I held the eye contact and raised an eyebrow. He was kind of pretty. No, he very pretty. He was also standing next to a brunette curly haired boy with crutches.

They seemed to be friends because they were taking to each other about how blondies mother had told him the story of medusa.

I looked away when Nancy Bobofit giggled about some guy was naked on the stele, and surprise, the blond handsome boy had turned around to her then said,

"will you shut up?"

Honestly, he sounded quite annoyed with her. Which is understandable, Nancy Bobofit was a bully to people who shouldn't be bullied because most of the time they were so lovely.

I stand up for them when they can't, lots of people are scared of her for some reason but she just needs to be put in her place. I remember when she was being harsh to a younger boy, and I remember exactly what she was saying to him. She was calling him a "beady eyes"because his glasses were too big on him.

I also remember having a chat to her saying that she cannot be talking to people like that, especially when she was dressed like that and her hair was a mess. Then, she had the nerve to call me of all people ugly and then later on I "accidentally" spilled my yoghurt on her.


It was well deserved. She shouldn't be calling a goddess ugly, especially when her mum and dad are god and goddess of beauty.

Mister Brunner had stopped talking about Athena, the goddess of wisdom to turn and look at the blondie. He then stated blondies name.

"Percy Jackson"

The boy Percy looked back at him as if he's been caught red handed, the brunette step away from him to the left not wanting to be in trouble.

Mister Brunner then asked this handsome Percy boy,

"do you have a comment?"

Percy shook his head left and right looking quite nervous. His face turn almost fully red, like strawberry red.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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