[1] Alice Dear, Where Have You Gone?

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"At last. We thought you'd never arrive." A voice stated calmly, though the tone was annoyed. "Alice, Hamish is waiting to dance with you. Go."

Alice bowed her head lightly before making her way down. Behind Lady Ascot was a large party of people. They danced along the tiled floor as a live band played.

Others conversed with each other, showing off their newest trend. Some even played small games in the yard. But still, Alice could feel their gaze on her as she walked down the steps.

"You do realize it's well past four! Now everything will have to be rushed through!" Lady Ascot complained, her glare was hot in Alice's mother, Helen.

The widowed woman sighed. "I am sorry. We..." She tried to find the words, but she was interrupted.

"Oh, never mind." Lady Ascot sighed before running off to join in with the crowd.

Lord Ascot stared at Helen, his hands wrapping around the back. "Forgive my wife. She's been planning this affair for the last twenty years."

Helen nodded solemnly. "If only Charles were here..." She sighed breathlessly.

Lord Ascot bowed his head. "My condolences, madame. I think of your husband often. He was truly a man of vision." He paused. "I hope you don't think I have taken advantage of your misfortune."

"Of course not. I'm pleased that you've purchased the company." She stared at him.

Lord Ascot slowly turned and looked at Helen. "I was a fool for not investing in his mad venture when I had the chance."

"Charles thought so too." She slowly smiled before staring out at the crowd.


Hamish quickly led Alice off of the dance floor. He stared down at her, a wide grin spreading across his face. "Meet me under the gazebo in precisely ten minutes." He nodded before walking away.

As Alice stared off in his direction, two giggly girls appeared in front of her. "We have a secret to tell you." One of the twins started. They were almost bursting with excitement as their heels bounced off the grass.

Alice gave her a look while raising her brows. "If you're telling me, then it's not much of a secret."

"Perhaps we shouldn't." The other girl started.

"We decided we should!"

"If we tell her, she won't be surprised."

"Will you be surprised?"

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