chapter 9: please soph

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"please soph, just trust me" leah pleads. i don't know why she's so bothered. i move away from her, sitting on the physio table that's in the middle of the room. i'm getting quite worked up, everything from the past couple days all piling up.
leah walks over to me, looking at me, her face kind of concerned.

"why'd you care so much?" i ask coldly, but i genuinly want to know the answer

"i know you're human" she sighs
"you have feelings. even if you think
you can push them away. so please sophia for the love of god just go to the session sarina has planned for you today. "

"how'd you know about that?" i ask, standing up. i didn't want anyone to know, it makes me look weak. i don't need help.

"sophia, just trust me, it will help you. and before you say, it doesn't make you look weak"
how'd she know?

"what are you doing? reading my mind?" i joke, now realizing leah sees right through me. she laughs.
"why does it make a difference to you if i go or not?" i ask, hopping back up onto the table. leah shrugs, sitting next to me on the table.

"no, you have to answer. only i'm allowed to dodge questions by shrugging" i say.
she opens her mouth to answer, but lucy and keira burst through the door, engrossed in conversation. they give a weird look to leah, i'm guessing because we're talking and laughing about. clearly, they don't like it.

leah's pov~

we walk out onto the training pitch, and i'm still in conversation with sophia. this is the most i've seen her smile in a while and i'm glad she's warming up to me. we get a few odd looks from the girls.
i know they don't like her but come on now.
despite that, i offer to be partners with her for our first drill. she looks a bit surprised but accepts.
the first drill is about our reaction times.
we go in a plank in-front of our partner, a cone in between us. they'll tell you to do something like stand, jump, press up, touch your head etc. then when they shout cone, you have to try grab it before your partner.
i lay in a plank, my head level with sophia's. she looks down at the grounds for a second, before back at my eyes.
she smirks; and then laughs slightly.

"what?" i ask, giggling

"nothing" sophia replies, shaking her head.
HEAD. i put my hands on my head

"no tell me" LAY. we both lay on our backs
"come onnn" i plead. UP. we both jump up.

"you're hot" she whispers, only just loud enough for me to hear.
CONE. sophia grabs the cone, way before i do.
she's laughing, realizing she threw me off guard. i laugh back, hitting her arm.

"you little shit" i mutter.

we are half way through our training, and it's time for lunch. since the warm up, sophia isn't playing well. well she's still good, about as good as me or lucy. but normally, she's amazing. she's only performing good right now.
no one's passing to her, so sarina told sophia to go get a drink, before having a harsh word with everyone. they're being childish. this is their job, if you don't like your colleague, you just put up with it. it's really throwing sophia off, even if she acts like she doesn't care.

no one's sat with sophia, yet again.
i go and sit with her.
she pushes her food about on her plate, i don't think i have seen her eat properly in a while.

"how are you?" i ask, sitting down.

"i'm good, you?"

"yeah i'm good, you not hungry?"

"um no, er- not really" she says sheepishly.
i can hear her foot tapping under the table.
"tell you what, if finish that bowl of pasta, you can kiss me"

new girl - leah williamsonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora