We've really been blessed with the way our relationship has progressed through the years. It makes me so happy that we can still be this close and still be friends. We're really lucky and I know that, I appreciate it, and will never take it for granted.

"Dad, have you been watching?"Aiden asked his father and I tuned them out.

I'm not really a big wrestling fan but I'll watch D's segments. She has said to me in passing that she's actually glad I'm not a fan. It made things more authentic when we first met.

It took us about 40 minutes to get to the arena and another 10 to park and get to the back doors. The line back here wasn't really long, not many people come this way, but there were fans along the sides of the barricades. D texted me to apologize for not meeting us personally but that's fine because she's working. She left word with security that we were her special guests so we had an escort to our seats. Aiden was shitting his pants.

"Dude, this is cool." Brian said as he baked at wrestlers who passed us.

I don't know who's worse right now, Aiden or Brian. Our son is pointing out a bunch of people I don't know. Brian is just staring at people. Some wrestlers and backstage people said hi to me and I'm just dying on the inside a little.

"You two are embarrassing me." I sighed.

"Emily, that's Sting!" Brian stated.

"It's Sting, Mom!" Aiden insisted.

"Okay, even I know who Sting is, and that's cool." I relented.

"Win!" both of them shouted, making the people walking by us laugh.

"I'm sorry, I don't know them." I sighed.

Someone escorted us to our seats and Aiden lost his collective shit.

"Mom!" He shouted.

"Happy birthday from D, big guy." I smiled.

"This is so cool!" He said, looking all around.

"I bet it is." I muttered, taking the two of them in.

The show was great, I mean, it's definitely an entertaining show. Dori was in a tag match at the end, her 'heel' character team taking the win. Which just means that she's the bad guy. Once the show was over, Dori came over to us. She fist-bumped Brian and me, then pulled Aiden over the barricade to have the crowd sing him Happy Birthday. I don't know if his feet are ever gonna touch the floor again.

Security came and got us again, leading us to the catering area where Dori was waiting for us. She's not private about her personal life with her friends, so I've met a couple of these people. D grabbed my hand and pulled me in for a quick kiss. Then, Aiden just launched himself into her and squeezed as tightly as he could.

"This was so cool, D. I swear I've never done anything this cool before. I'm gonna tell all of my friends about it and ..."

"Aiden! Slow down." I scolded him.

"Sorry ... thank you, Dori. This was the best birthday ever." He said hugging her again.

"You're welcome, kid, and happy birthday. Alright, I know you don't care babe, but let me take the boys around and I'll come find you after I change." She suggested.

"Go. Thank you, baby. I don't know how I'm ever gonna top this." I smiled, pressing my lips to hers again very softly and quickly.

"Be right back." She smiled.

She took both children around backstage and gave them a tour while I caught up with a few of her friends. They know about my situation with Brian and have commended me on how positive it is.

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