Re-evaluating What Makes Us Human

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Rather cloudless today.
Beautiful out.
Nice temperature.

I feel this lack of communication within me today, though. As if I'd prefer to simply observe the moment, rather than actively participate in its wording. But I think it's important to log my feelings for the sake of knowing what it is I'm feeling.

Is it contentment?
...No, not quite.

There's a man in an orange shirt and black shorts walking his two dogs on long, highlighter green leashes.

Two cardinals are in the tree in front of me, two males enjoying the branches and the leaves as they're dazzled in sunlight.

The pollen is getting to me. I sneeze not once, not twice, but three times.

The fuschia flowers decorating the far bush in my yard remain stock-still even as branches sway near.

An adolescent bluejay, likely female, lands a mere few feet away from me on the overhanging branch before fluttering off.

The female cardinal hopping along the ground is making her own bright calls and chirps as she searches with her partner for food.

Ah, looks like that bluejay found something. She returned back to the branch with something clutched in her beak. I hope she enjoys it.

It's so strange how the world can be so full of noise yet so tranquil all the same. There must be dozens of birds out here making noise. Countless insects buzzing. The distant drum and drone of vehicles as they traverse the asphalt. I can just barely make out the sound of someone's lawn mower, which must be very, very far away.

But it sounds... Right. Correct. As it should be today.

I only wish we were sharing it together. Observing the moment. Taking in the notes of what is around us. Surely you're hearing your own symphony at the moment. Seeing your own span of colors.

Sometimes I wonder if this is what makes us human.

Taking a moment to observe deeply and take notes.

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