Chapter 157 - Tit For Tat - Part 2

Start from the beginning

Princess Yongning has always been aloof, and has never been so humble. She can lose her temper with the emperor because she knows the emperor's guilt and knows that he will not be serious with her, but Li Wei Yang will not be so lenient. Princess Yongning knows that the other person is very smart. She is a very calm and ruthless person. Her own actions have angered the other party. If she uses her identity to pressure others again, she is afraid that Yuan Yu's life will be in danger.

"Wei Yang, I know you have been wronged. This - I will definitely make it up to you. I promise you here that as long as you are willing to let Yuan Yu go, I will do anything for you." Yongning said solemnly. Li Wei Yang is hard-hearted, and pleading is useless. It is better to use this in exchange for a condition.

"Princess, you are about to marry away to Yuexi. Is your promise really useful?" Li Wei Yang reminded.

Yongning knew that the other party was a person who would not let go of eagles before she saw rabbits (t/n: reference to a chinese idiom "to see the rabbit and release the eagle" which refers to taking timely action once you see the target), so she simply took out a token from her sleeve: "No matter where I go, I am still the princess of Dali. Li Wei Yang, if you kill Yuan Yu, aside from venting your anger, there's nothing good for the overall situation, but if you let him go, I will owe you a favor. Ten years, twenty years, no matter when you come to me, I will do what you ask. I know that now everthing seems to be all smooth sailing, but no matter who takes the throne in the future, it won't be a good thing for you. My third brother will not let you go, and you don't want my seventh brother, but they are men and hold high positions of power. Once they rise up, if you anger them, what will you do? Maybe one day, you will need my help."

Li Wei Yang did not move or take the token.

Princess Yongning looked at her quietly, knowing that she was weighing it, so she continued: "Even if you never need it, what's wrong with leaving a way out?"

Li Wei Yang smiled and said slowly: "Princess, a token is just a dead object. What can it mean?"

Yongning sneered and said: "Li Wei Yang, you underestimate me. Now that I have given you a promise, I will not change my mind. If I violate this oath, I am willing to be struck by lightning from the sky, and I will sink into hell forever, without any hope of recovery!"

Dali people swear to seek trust, to prove that their hearts are pure, and to let heaven and earth prove it for them, showing that their oaths are true. Most people will never violate an oath made by handing their lives over to the gods of heaven and earth as a witness, and this promise will never be made casually. But Li Wei Yang didn't believe that someone like Tuoba Zhen couldn't easily violate his oath. Yongning was his sister, so she might not do the same thing. Besides, she doesn't need Princess Yongning's help, so there is no need for such an oath.

However, Yongning was right. Killing Yuan Yu now would not be of much benefit to her, and would also incur the mad resentment of Princess Yongning. Li Wei Yang is not worried about retaliation, but she will not do anything useless. "Okay, I promise you, when you leave the capital, the groom will appear intact." Li Wei Yang replied with a smile.

Yongning breathed a sigh of relief, she believed Li Wei Yang, and then she slowly said: "In this case, I will wait for the good news." After saying that, she was about to get up and leave.

Li Wei Yang suddenly said: "Princess has lived in Dali for many years, and the most important support is His Majesty the Emperor. Now that Yuexi and Dali have formed an alliance, the princess can be safe and sound, but if one day the two countries fall out, the princess will have a hard time. So, please take care of yourself, princess."

Princess Yongning was stunned and her steps stopped for a moment. Then she said without looking back: "Thank you for reminding me, but unfortunately I have no way out." After that, she walked out quickly.

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