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Prince POV

My baby was coming home today I was so happy I missed him I couldn't wait to see that face

Michael POV

I am coming home today I knew Prince was excited to see me I knew he was waiting for me the moment I land and come home he'll be right there waiting I can feel it

Michael Uber came and got him to bring him home he was so excited to be back home he missed everyone

An hour later

Prince POV

There he is he's home I was so excited I feel my excitement and I know he feels it as well

Michael POV

Finally home I can feel Prince excitement and I'm not even in the house yet

Michael came to unlock the door he knew Prince was there waiting on him to walk through the door

Once he walked through the door Prince jumped on him

Michael: I missed you too

Prince: how was it

Michael: it was good thanks for asking

Prince: your welcome

Michael: you can get down now

Prince: but I don't want to I missed you

Michael: I know but you have to get down I have to put my stuff away

Prince: fine but I'll help you

Michael: ok

So he brought his stuff inside the house prince was so happy that he was home at last

Michael came to put his things up he was so happy to be home 

Prince was happy to see his baby be home after being gone

Michael: did you get these for me

Prince: yes I did

Michael: thank you they are beautiful

Prince: your welcome

He came to put them in some water and they started to blossom

A few weeks later

Michael POV

I literally had an emotional break down I had to leave this house I wrote prince a note prince is not the cause of this I just had enough

Prince POV

I made it home and told Michael I made it back but I didn't see him then I came to the kitchen to see a note Michael left a telephone number on there for him to call him

Prince: babe why you leave ....whats wrong ....you could've stayed and talked about this to me ...baby baby no come home and talk to me what's wrong ....i know your tired but you can come and talk to me....michael please stop come home and you can tell me what's wrong ....ok ....i love you too

Michael came back to to the house to talk to prince he just wanted to be alone but it let him know that prince was there for him

Prince: I'm here for you

Michael: I know thank you

Michael gave him a kiss and fell asleep on him prince just let him sleep on him he needed to rest anyway

A day later

Michael POV

I was in the kitchen drinking some tea and reading a newspaper I had no idea where prince was

They were going to have some friends over later

Prince came downstairs to see Michael reading a newspaper

Prince: hey babe

Michael: hey what's up

Prince: nothing just finished getting dressed

Michael: ok

Prince: is this what you're making for everyone

Michael: yes

Prince: ok you need help

Michael: sure what do you want to make

Prince: the salad and chicken

Michael: ok I heard some people like chicken salad so add lots of vegetables

Prince: ok

So prince began making the salad and the chicken

Everyone was so excited to see prince and Michael after a such a long time

Friends began coming over for dinner tonight it was only a few people that was going to be there

Prince wasn't paying attention when suddenly one of Michael friends touched his butt he thought it was Michael but it wasn't

The friend pushed the limit when he kissed him and prince came out the kitchen ...the person found his weak spot and turned him on but he refused to sleep with him

Michael: you ok

Prince: yes why

Michael: because your sweating

Prince: I'm ok

Michael: prince you can tell me

Prince: no it's ok let's just enjoy the company I'll tell you later

Michael: ok

Michael knew something was wrong him but he will find out later....prince kept his distance from the guy who made a move on him

Prince POV

I was deep in thought I can't believe that happened he found my weak spot and I got horny only person who knows my weak spot is Michael so how did he find it ....i didn't want to ruin the fun for Michael which is why I didn't tell him he's been excited to see everyone after a long time ...but I can't hold on much longer this is something I don't want to keep from him

Michael came to see Michael and he asked prince what was wrong

Prince: I'm sorry

Michael: babe it's not your fault I understand

Prince: he found my weak spot

Michael was in shock he was the only that knew his weak spot

Prince: I don't know how he found it I just didn't want ruin your fun

Michael: it's ok prince really I'm glade you told me

Prince: ok

Michael: but you should take a cold shower your really burning up

Prince: you should know

Michael: I'm serious and just lock the door so he won't come in

Prince: ok

So he did just that and he did try to come in but couldn't so he gave up trying to open the door and came back downstairs

Michael told everyone goodbye and came to check up on prince he turned the heat on cause he knew prince just took a cold shower

Michael: you feel better

Prince: yes

Michael: ok that's good

Prince: is everyone gone

Michael: yes they're good ...how about we both just end the day today

Prince: ok that's fine with me

So that's exactly what they did ended their day and called it a day

Next chapter is coming

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