19 | explanations

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A week passed by, with nothing eventful about it.

Sana had gotten used to her new apartment by this time and sauntered around, more freely, shedding away her awkwardness. She glanced at the lights in the room diagonally opposite to hers. He had been holed up there for a whole week.

The only time she had seen him was when he had happened to be on a water break and she had been returning home from work.

"How was your day?" He asked.

"Not bad. Yours?" She responded.

"Not bad, either."

Suddenly, an alarm rang. Shrest checked his phone, the source of the horribly, screeching sound.

"I need to get back to work. See you later." And he had trudged back in and shut the door. That was the last she had seen of him.

She was tempted to push the door open and see if he was alive. However, she felt it wasn't her place to intrude into his studio. It was his sacred space, after all.

Sana closed the lid of the bottle and closed the door of her room. Tying her hair up in a bun that was positively hideous, she concentrated on her laptop and focused on typing up the transcript for the interview.

She heard the sound of a door open. Her eyes flickered up before returning back to her laptop.

Her room's door opened.

"That bun looks horrible."

"Thank you." Sana replied, dryly.

"Do you want to join me in having dinner out?"

Sana blinked and looked up. "Where?"

"The korean street food restaurant, Kori-something."

Sana nodded, readily. She was famished, after not having any evening snacks or a proper lunch, thanks to her demanding boss.

"I'll be waiting outside." Shrest gazed pointedly at her bun. Sana waited for the door to close before jumping up and throwing on leggings and an oversized shirt. She combed her hair into a neat ponytail.

"I'm ready. Let's go." She announced, nearly tripping on the dustbin outside her room.

Shrest snickered.

"Shut up."

Sana glanced at the bright moon, its shine lost amidst the bright streetlights and racing cars. She fiddled with the hem of her sleeves and walked with a bounce in her steps. Eating out was something that would always be her most favourite thing to do.

Shrest glanced at her, a small smile playing on his lips. They continued walking in silence. Suddenly, a man hastened in the direction. Shrest pulled her towards him, leaving space for the man to hurry away, without bumping into Sana's shoulder.

Sana, who was shoved into Shrest's chest, felt her heartbeat accelerate. Shrest's grip on her arm lightened, after a few moments.

"You okay?"

She nodded, breathing harshly. Shrest took in her pink cheeks. Then, he let her go.

They continued walking, a hint of a smile playing on both their lips.

As they stepped into the restaurant, Shrest glanced around before his eyes locked onto a table.

"There." He pointed. Sana watched in confusion, as he led her to a table where two people were already seated. As they neared, she blinked, wide-eyed. Wasn't this...

1.3 | Under The Pink Evening Sky | ✓Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum