“I didn’t know you own a classic car and is a top-notch at that.” She hands Zee the sunflower. 

“It was a gift from my dad. I never got to use it before and since I am staying here now, I might as well use it often. And it is very convenient to use for transporting flowers from the field to the shop.” 

Mina nodded her head in agreement. 

Zee places the Sunflowers on one of the buckets to be displayed outside. 

“Good Morning, Mr.Zee!” A young man greeted him.

“Good Morning, Fred! Nice fine weather today!” 

They both got inside the shop. 

Zee offered him tea. 

“Oh no don’t bother as I don't want to be late for my appointment today. I would just like to see if my order is ready to be picked up?” Fred asks him. 

“Oh yes, just wait here a moment.” Zee goes behind the wall of fresh flowers and goes back out bringing a bouquet. 

“As per your request a total of 16 red and white roses!” Zee handed him the bouquet.

“Thank you so much! I am sure Sam will like this.” Fred smells the flowers. “I gotta get going then. Thank you so much for this wonderful bouquet!” 

“You’re very welcome! And may the odds of love be in your favour.” Zee waved at him. 

This is what Zee likes running up the shop. Every customer that comes in and out has their own stories to share except for one of Zee’s customers who happens to be walking in just right now. 

“Good Morning sir.” Zee greeted him. The young one smiled at him. 

“Good morning.” He roams around and checks on the flowers. 

“We do have Sunflowers today as a special.” Zee offered. 

“Ahmm…I just wanted one flower.” The young boy says shyly. 

“Oh that’s fine, you don’t have to be shy about buying one flower. Is there a particular flower that you are trying to find?” Zee asks him.

“Do you happen to have a Red Carnation?” He asks Zee back. 

Zee smiles, “Yes we do have. Mina!” Zee called for his assistant. 

Mina runs down the stairs from the upper floor while fixing her hair. 

She stopped midtracks when she saw who their customer was. 

“Elowen.” She whispers his name. 

“Can you please pack a red carnation for Mr…?” Zee looked at the young man.

“Prim.” He answered him shortly. 

“Mr. Prim.” Zee smiles at Mina but it seems like his assistant was entranced by the person that is in front of her but it was far more right to say that she looked like she had seen a ghost as she looked pale. 

“Mina? Is everything alright?” He called for her attention but she still did not hear him.

“Well, I guess I’ll just get it then.” Zee looked at them but no one dared to drop the staring contest. 

He went up to the second floor, grabbed one carnation and wrapped it with a piece of paper that had a label of his shop in it. He tied a ribbon around the tip end of the stem. 

He takes a peak on the two people that he left earlier. 

“Huh… I wonder if they know each other.” Zee says to himself and goes down to the counter. 

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