Obi-Wan noticed Leilani tremble slightly as she attempted to move; so he extended his hand and she cautiously took it. Her palm soothed over his gloves, his fingertips tightening around it, as he helped her stand up properly.

They walked down, stepping onto the landing zone while eyeing the circumstances and exchanging comm frequencies — in any case if they'd get separated or they would run into trouble, it could become useful.

The spaceport appeared bleak, almost deserted. Not a soul in sight, only the dreary expanse of durasteel pavement stretching out before them, with the fence in the background concealing the cemetery belonging to the ruling family. Leilani let go of Obi-Wan and took the lead, her legs carrying her towards the gates. This part of Mantero was covered by nothing but dirt and dust; with the mountains clicks away. She inhaled the air, filled with breathable toxins — the ones responsible for the violet sky on the planet and the clouds, hiding Serenno and its second moon.

She pushed in the small gate; stepping into the cemetery garden, and held it open, waiting for Obi-Wan to join.

"This part was considered sacred," she explained. "All of the noble families were buried within these grounds. May they be House Serenno, House Solha or else. While my mother, father and brother are buried there," she pointed towards the mausoleum. "For ruling members, that is customary."

"Let's take a look there, then," he said. They were looking for clues, something of a lead to provide the meaning of the message; or perhaps the man itself who has sent it. "After you."

They strolled through the garden, and every so often, Obi-Wan would read a name aloud; at which Leilani responded only with a sombre shake of her head. When they reached the duracrete pillars, she abruptly stopped and ripped the lock off the door with the Force, catching Obi-Wan off guard just as he was about to touch the panel.

"Well, I suppose that saves us the trouble of guessing the combination," he remarked dryly.

A hollow smile traced Leilani's lips as she heard those words. Without bothering to respond, she stepped into the building, her eyes sweeping across the surroundings. The atmosphere within the mausoleum held a peculiar mix of solemnity and ancient memories. Dust particles floated lazily in the air, catching the faint light that managed to seep through the cracks and crevices of the structure.

The dimly lit corridor led them deeper into the mausoleum, revealing ornate tombs and memorials adorned with symbols of Serennian nobility. Each more meaningful than the last; and all part of her family.

From the exterior, the names extended into the profound, chronicling the rulers of Serenno — from Count Gora and Countess Anya to Countess Valeria and —. No.

"Jenza—" she breathed, her hand hovering over the tombstone, a sense of unease settling in. It felt new, hastily erected, not in accordance with what was outlined in her will; a fabrication spiralling out of control.

They both sensed a lurking shadow in the depths, its presence palpable as it stood discreetly against the wall, waiting patiently.

"You received my message," the shadow remarked, advancing a step closer, prompting Obi-Wan to ignite his lightsaber. "My Countess."

"What are you talking about?" Obi-Wan pressed, his voice edged with caution.

Yet the man didn't respond, merely turning his gaze towards Leilani.

She sighed, raising her hand in a calming gesture, urging Obi-Wan to lower his weapon. "The custom dictates a dual leadership of Serenno. A male and a female. It has been Dooku and our sister for the past few decades...Jenza," she explained, her tone heavy with resignation, as she subtly pointed towards the tomb. "How did she...?"

The Countess ━ OBI-WAN KENOBIWhere stories live. Discover now