Chapter-22 ~ The Day of Reckoning Part-3

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Twilight had never been nervous on a mission since a very long time. It almost felt like it was his first mission, to him. A barrage of thoughts were crossing his mind as he was carefully changing into his disguise....

*This is the moment of truth.... If this fails, everything falls apart... I need to make sure that everything goes smoothly.... But if I die here, what happens to Anya and Yor...?*

*NO! Twilight. You are the best spy in the world. This mission is nothing for you, you have stopped a nuclear detonation nearly 1 second from happening. This is nothing.*

He was now in disguise and fully armed with the signature Ostanian Guarf rifle. As he was glancing at a family picture from their first picnic, he was immediately disturbed.

"Twilight! The convoy is here 15 minutes early. Are you prepared?", spoke Sylvia over the comms.

"Yes, Handler. I am ready.", he replied.

She responded, "Twilight, the informant we have needs a method to identify you. Whenever you see all the guards, cough for two to three seconds."

He replied, "Roger that. Also, will they perform a sweep of the whole building, including the fire escape?"

"All the security sweeps and threat detection already happened at 3 AM. I don't think there are going to be any more building monitoring sweeps. But, just be on the alert. I just got an update from Midnight! The convoy has entered the building, Twilight. Here we go.... Don't let us down", she said.

Twilight responded, "No, I will not."


Sylvia spoke, "Alright, the guards have reached the upper floor. I am now unable to track any further movements. It's all on you now, Twilight. Their placement and shuffling will begin soon."

Twilight responded, "Alright, I'm going to try and hear their conversations and then enter. Turning off comms now."

*Twilight.... I wish you the best of luck. I hope all goes as planned.* - Sylvia shed a sweat.

Twilight carefully placed his ear next to the fire exit door of the second floor.

"All units, stand STS (shoulder to shoulder). Placement will begin shortly... as soon as the message arrives from overwatch.", said the sergeant.

This was it... Twilight was ready... carefully waiting for the placement to start so he could infiltrate in between.

The commander one again ordered the troopers' attention. "Alright, guardsmen. There is a change of plans. A certain intel source- the Garden or something has alerted that our troops have been infiltrated. In lieu of this, only me and one other guard will be stationed outside the cabinet."

Twilight switched on his comms again, "What the fuck, Handler? The garden? What the hell is going on?"

Handler responded, "Even I do not know... this situation is quite tense. I am currently asking HQ for permission to abort this mission."

Twilight raised his voice slightly, "There will be no need for that. I'll figure out something."


"Guards, you all will be screened after this mission and therefore, NO PERSON WHOSOEVER INCLUDING YOU ALL AND ANYONE ELSE LEAVES THE BUILDING. Is this clear?"

They replied, "Sir, yes, Sir!"

The commander removed the safety lock, "Everyone, follow me. I will be assigning you posts downstairs."

After 10 minutes, the commander came upstairs again and attempted to contact overwatch.

Twilight came from behind him, "Sir. Overwatch has assigned me with you to guard outside the room... due to the recent possibility of an infiltration."

The commander turned back and glared at him, "Codename?"

Twilight glanced at his shoulder patch, "Alpha-1 ~ The Serpent."

The commander moved closer and looked at his shoulder patch, "Well, Serpent. You were not there in the convoy."

"Sir, me and another Guard were stationed here last night."

The commander replied, "Oh you mean the preliminary consignment? Aren't you guys supposed to be stationed at the vents?"

Twilight responded, "Under the previous protocol, yes. But obviously there are new orders now."

The commander did not reply, instead he tried to connect with Overwatch again.

"Overwatch, two people are supposed to guard the cabinet room, yes?", he spoke.

"Affirmative, you and another guard.", replied Overwatch.

He replied, "And... who would that other guard be?"

Overwatch replied, "It can be any guard you trust and are sure about, including the 2 members from the preliminary consignment."

He responded, "Well, are the preliminary members aware of the recent news regarding the infiltration?"

Overwatch responded, "Obviously, all stationed units were informed regarding the threat. Please cease wasting your time and focus on the mission."

He replied, "Very well then, Overwatch."

The commander replied, "Very well then, you can guard with me."

This was it.... The moment had finally arrived.

Twilight asked the commander, "Sir... should I get ready? When does the meeting start?"

The commander replied, "Maybe in a minute or two. They cabinet already arrived with us in the convoy and are seated."

Twilight responded, "Very well, then. Switching to guarding protocols. "

The commander replied, "Roger that."

Twilight and the commander were now under Oath of Silence, meaning they couldn't speak until their guarding duty was over.


Twilight waited there for 5 minutes with his gun in his hands and kept staring at the wall in front of the meeting room, waiting for the precise moment to strike the commander and then enter the room. The commander, however, was extremely alert of his surroundings and seemed very tough to fight in a physical confrontation, even for Twilight. Therefore, all movements were to be carried out in a very stealthy manner.

He needed a distraction for this, to render the commander incapable of responding to his strike.  

Twilight knew the perfect method to carry this out. He opened his mouth and clenched his tongue with his teeth to make it bleed and then he striked his gums.

Then, Twilight pretended to cough up blood. "Affh Aghh Hrakh .... Blood... commander... I have been poisoned! The enemy is nearby, sir. Please..." Ghrakh Aghhh Aff

The commander readied his gun and aimed at the hallway while Twilight pretended to collapse.

The commander kept aiming, but there was no one. So, he turned back to check on Twilight.

There was no one there. Suddenly, the commander was stabbed in the neck.

Twilight was behind him, "I genuinely feel guilty for this... but I had no choice. It's for the greater good."

Before the commander could scream or speak, he stabbed his neck again, this time from the front.

*Okay Twilight, you have made it this far. It's fine to end things now... it's time to get it done.*

He held his rifle firmly and walked into the meeting room.

He immediately shot twice on the ground to create panic and then shot at Desmond's chest who was chairing the meeting.

But, suddenly two stilettos were thrown from the ceiling towards his rifle. The gun flung out of his hands and he was now unarmed.

Desmond was still alive, struggling to move his bloody body across the congested room.

A crimson-eyed woman dressed in black jumped down from the ceiling. "I am so sorry, Loid-san."

Twilight fell back and was almost paralysed by the shock, "Yor.............................?"

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