Chapter 7 - Bullying & Backlash

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Aislinn reminisced about her first encounter with Georgia as she strolled down the main street after school. It was her mum and Jake who'd met Georgia first, at the town fair.

Audrey had been sceptical about all things paranormal until their visit to Lakeview Hollow. For her, such topics had only existed in movies or books. However, it was once Aislinn began experiencing encounters with multiple spirits that Audrey came to accept the existence of a reality beyond her own.

Georgia had provided detailed psychic readings to both Audrey and Jake before Audrey sought help for Aislinn. She had taken Aislinn under her wing, almost like an apprentice, teaching her basic skills before delving into the greater challenge of cleansing the mansion. Aislinn's thoughts drifted back to that day; she had been both excited and nervous. It fascinated her that she could see things that neither her mother nor Jake could, yet Georgia seemed to perceive even more.

In the past little while, Aislinn had continued to learn from Georgia, even though the dreams haunting her sleep had ceased since Henry, Emily, and their child had all crossed over to whatever lay beyond in the afterlife. A shiver ran down her spine as she recalled cleansing the malevolent entity that resided in the attic - a dark, foreboding, putrid presence that lurked in the shadows. They remained clueless about its origins or intentions, except for its role in trapping and tormenting the former residents long after their passing.

The house had been quiet since then, as had her dreams. Until last night. That was why she found herself headed to Georgia's today.

Aislinn climbed the small stoop of the two-bedroom cottage and knocked on the door twice. Georgia's welcoming voice called out from inside, inviting her to let herself in. Aislinn marvelled at the minimal security in Lakeview Hollow; it seemed no one ever locked their doors during the day. They trusted each other in their community, she supposed. A far cry from her experience growing up in the city, where locking up tight was a necessity, she thought.

Making her way through the hallway to the kitchen at the back of the small home, Aislinn found Georgia sitting at the table. Georgia gestured for Aislinn to sit as she finished jotting down an appointment on her schedule. Georgia rose from her seat and meandered around the kitchen, fetching two glasses of cold lemonade from the fridge before cutting two slices of mud cake.

"I've been meaning to drop by and see how you're doing with everything. Tell me, how are you? And your mum and Jake?" Georgia placed the drink and cake in front of Aislinn before she returned to her seat with her own snack.

"They're good. Mum's consumed with the wedding, and they're both trying to get the renovations done and open the B&B," Aislinn replied, taking a sip of her drink before picking up the fork to carve out a bite of cake.

"That's great news, but how are you?" Georgia repeated.

"Yeah, I'm okay, I guess," she shrugged. "I'm still getting used to my new school."

Georgia nodded, sensing there was more troubling Aislinn than she was letting on. "Change can be quite the challenge, can't it?" she said empathetically.

Aislinn slumped in her chair and sighed. "There's this girl at school who keeps picking on me."

Acknowledging her, Georgia said, "I understand," but held back from interjecting further, giving Aislinn the chance to vent before providing any solutions.

"There's something else," Aislinn continued.

Georgia simply nodded, waiting for her to proceed.

"I think there's something in the woods," Aislinn confessed.

Raising her eyebrows, Georgia encouraged her to go on.

"I saw something in the garden. It was huge - tall and large. And a howl or a groan. I'm not sure how to describe it. I only saw it for a moment."

Audrey & Aislinn: Rapprochement (ONC2024)Where stories live. Discover now