chapter 4# just like the simulation

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When they were in the elevator, Commander Luna along with Anis and Rapi stood side by side while Marian stood next to Indra

Meanwhile, Indra just stood still while looking at his smartphone which displayed the skills and achievements he had obtained

Lightning Controller
The user is able to control the power of the lightning element

Now the user is able to use and control the fire element

Indra: Am I playing Tekken games now?

The Users have the knowledge and how to make medicines or potions for the future

Target locking eyes
user has the ability to identify parts of an opponent that are capable of dealing severe damage or paralyzing an opponent, usually the marked parts will be red or orange

Modern warfare killstreak
Users are able to use all Killstreaks from the game Modern Warfare 3 without the requirement of having to kill but having to wait for the cool down time

Indra: Hehehe Ac-130 and drone swarm goes Brrrrrr

Parry Counter
One of the improvements to the user's knife fighting ability is that this ability is able to return attacks directed at the user

Indra:I don't know if this ability is useful in a world filled with Alien robots but it's like a hidden message from a monster themed fps game Your enemies are not just monster

Achievement successfully achieved

Through heaven and earth I am the heavy Weapon

Achievement conditions: Defeat high level enemies with one hit from a heavy weapon

Rewards: Bulletproof vest
Beskar steel plate
Recipe for making phosphorus grenade bullets
Black tail pistol
Lz answerer

Because Indra was busy glued to his smartphone, he missed several important dialogues between Rapi and Shiftty, but he managed to catch one of the dialogues.

Shifty:Is the Aegis barrier broken?

Rapi: No, the Aegis barrier is strong, it will detect any corruption instantly

Anis: Rapi, what do you mean?

Indra: For some reason, Rapi's words remind me of the Umbrella research facility in Raccoon City

They all saw Indra who was busy playing with his smartphone and leaning against the elevator wall

Anis: research facility?

Indra: yep, the Umbrella research facility is located under the city. With 2 entrances and 1 exit and has a super sophisticated security system and personnel on guard 24/7 fully armed but...

Indra's words succeeded in provoking the curiosity of commanders Luna, Rapi, Anis and Marian

Rapi: but what?

Rapi asked seriously

Indra: but unfortunately the facility cannot isolate a deadly virus called Tyrant Virus or T-virus, as is the case here

Marian: what does this all have to do with Indra?

Indra: what I want to say is that here there is someone who collaborates with Rapture and that someone succeeded in deactivating the Aegis Barrier

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