Chapter 23

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When Gojo unties me and loosens the blindfold around my eyes, I'm momentarily startled by the sun. While my eyes adjust to the sudden light, I'm still breathing heavily and sweating like I've just run a marathon. I've probably burned just the same amount of calories. Gojo has his eyes closed as he falls down next to me on the mattress, then reaches for his sunglasses on the bedside table. He puts them on and one arm under his head.

"I finally found a way to shut you up," he pants and laughs softly.

I turn my head to look at him. "I'm pretty sure I wasn't quiet at all."

He grins up at the ceiling. "You're right about that."

We fall into exhausted silence. And, soon enough, my stupid brain gets flooded with questions. Did we really just do that? What now? Do we... pretend it never happened? Well, that's kind of hard to do since I'm still in his bed, still naked. Should I get dressed? Does he want me to leave? Do I want to leave? I should, shouldn't I? This isn't the start of a relationship or anything. We were simply on a high from the accomplished mission. It could have happened to anyone. Except... it has never happened to me. Not with Nanami, who's very handsome, too, and I'm getting along just fine with him. Never have I felt such a need for someone as I did for Gojo. So, what? What is this, really?

"Are you hungry?"

The question pulls me out of my head and back into the present. I shrug. "Are you trying to get rid of me?" I ask, keeping my voice light and casual as if I'm just joking.

Gojo looks at me and grins. "If I were to get rid of you, I would have told you that ten minutes ago. I'm asking if you're hungry. We barely had time for breakfast."

It relieves me to know that he doesn't want me to go, but... what now? Do we get dressed under the blanket, or can I get up? Do I want him to see me naked now? I realize I haven't seen him yet at all. Gojo pulls the blanket with him until he's sitting on the edge of the bed, and when he gets up, he slips right into his boxers. Yep, I was right. It wasn't the pants. It's the ass. God, he looks delicious. I bite my lip. I'm pathetic.

"Stop drooling," he says even though he has his back turned to me, but I pull myself together anyways and narrow my eyes.

"I'm not drooling, you idiot. And stay like this while I'm getting dressed."

Gojo laughs out loud and bends down to pick up his pants. "You do know that I know what you look like naked."

I grab my panties off the floor and put them on under the blanket, then I sit up to grab my skirt. "That doesn't mean you'll see it ever again."

All he does is laugh, but as long as his back is still turned to me, I don't care. "I'll be able to see it every time I close my eyes," he replies.

"You're ridiculous," I snap, even though I know exactly what he means. I'm sure I won't have a peaceful night of sleep ever again because of his beautiful chest and abs.

"And you're just as glad this happened as I am."

That only gets a huff of breath in response from me. Yes, of course I am, but I won't tell him that. He doesn't deserve to know that he rocked my world better than anyone else has ever managed. Not that I have a wide array of men to choose from, but the few I've had were average at best. This... this was something entirely different. I don't know if that's because I'm still not sure if I like him or because of the good feelings after the mission. Is he just that good? He's probably had a lot of practice, to be honest.

I turn in a circle, searching for my jacket until the man on the other side of the bed clears his throat. I look up to find my jacket thrown across his shoulder. He's too far away from me to grab it, but I also don't want to walk over there and let him win, so I just stand there stupidly.

"Do you want to have lunch looking like this?" he asks, looking at me over his shoulder. "I mean, you look amazing, but I don't think the public -"

"Just shut up and give me my jacket," I interrupt him before any more crap can leave his mouth.

He laughs, then fully turns toward me. I can't even tell if he's looking me in the eyes or at my bra because of those damned glasses. I'm starting to hate them even though I really don't want to hate them. They look good on him. Same as the blindfold: I hate it too, but it looks so damn good.

"One condition," Gojo says.

"No way," I reply, laughing a little. He can't be serious. I stem my hands in my sides and tilt my head. I'm so done with him.

"Catch," is all he says before throwing the jacket up into the air. I jump onto his bed and catch it in my arms.

Just when I think I've tasted the sweet taste of victory, two hands catch me on my waist, and I'm falling backward. I fall to the mattress, taking Gojo right with me on top of me. No matter how mad I want to be at him, it doesn't work to keep myself from laughing as I ask, "What do you think you're doing?"

He presses a kiss to my nose. "Getting you to admit that you're glad this happened."

I narrow my eyes. Do I give in now? "Getting me to admit is the same thing as making me lie."

Gojo laughs and climbs off me, then offers me a hand to get up. Reluctantly, I accept his help and get to my feet. "Fine," he says, "then I'll just have to make you admit it on your own."

Putting on my jacket, I ignore him completely until I'm buttoned up and decent. Then I look up at him and see that uncertain smile that takes me right out. Why can't he just let me dislike him in peace? Why does he have to make it so damn hard for me?

I start to walk past him, then stop for a moment and clap him on his upper arm. "Don't waste your energy," I tell him. "Let's get some lunch."

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