Chapter 7

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This silence is heavenly. I'm lying on my stomach, completely naked, only my ass covered with a towel. There's a woman with soft but strong hands massaging the knots out of my neck that have formed ever since I started at Jujutsu High. Another woman is massaging my feet one by one with an oil that smells like clouds. I think I'm drooling.

My eyes are closed, and all I can hear is the peaceful music coming through the speakers in every corner of the room and the soft splashing of a little fountain. The ladies move on from my neck to my shoulders and from my feet to my calves. I could stay here forever.

They take care of me for a good forty-five minutes before I move on to the next room where they wrap my still naked body in silver foil and put a cool white mixture on my face. I sit there for a while, too, and sweat out all the toxins from my body. I was in the gym earlier and was sweating there, too, but this is a completely different experience. This is so soothing.

I might have nodded off because when a handsome young man comes in to take my facial mask off, the clock behind him shows almost four o'clock - thirty minutes later than the last time I checked. God, I feel so relaxed. The man helps me out of the body wrap and into my soft bathrobe. I thank him, then head for the showers.

After a quick rinse, I knot my hair up at the back of my head and slide into a mud bath. I've never really been convinced by sitting in dirt for twenty minutes, but I figured while I'm here, I might as well try. Besides, my boss is paying for my experiment.

I close my eyes and have to admit, it doesn't feel half as dirty as it is. This is amazing. The mud is surprisingly warm; I would have expected to be cold. There is music playing here too, and it's slightly echoing off the marble walls and floor. It's soothing and nice and -

My eyes fly open. It's boring. I'm bored. Despite the music, it's so quiet in here that I can hear myself breathe. Against my will, I can't stop wondering what Gojo is doing right now. He probably has a flock of giggling women around him, massaging every part of his body until he's oily and naked and -

Again, I need to stop myself from thinking any further. I shake my head, close my eyes again, and slide deeper into the mud until it touches my chin. But once the realization came, it's hard to let it go. This is boring. I haven't said more than three words in the past two hours, and I haven't been spoken to any more than that either.

What do I do now? Just leave the mud before my twenty minutes are over? How much time have I even spent in here? There's no clock in this room, so I don't know, but I imagine it can't have been more than ten minutes. If I leave, where do I go? Gojo could be anywhere. Should I just go up to my room and watch some TV? That would at least be entertaining. I think I'm relaxed enough now to leave.

In record-breaking time, I'm showered, wrapped in my bathrobe, and on my way to the elevator. The clock in the shower room showed that it was only half past four. I sigh as I press the button to the elevator and wait for it to arrive. There's a soft ping to show that it's here, and the doors slide open. My eyes widen.

"Hi," I say out of reflex, then bite my tongue. How ridiculous I sound. Hi?

Gojo is standing in the elevator, and he's dressed in shorts and a skin-tight black tanktop that's such a stark contrast to his skin and hair that I have to blink twice. His eyes are hidden behind sunglasses again, not his usual blindfold. He has a towel swung over his left shoulder and is holding a bottle of water in his right hand. He's undoubtedly going to the gym now. And he looks good, damn him.

"Done with your spa-day already?" he asks, clearly mocking me.

I give it my best effort not to narrow or roll my eyes. "I am," I reply and shrug. "It got boring."

His lips stretch into a grin that I usually try to avoid like the plague, but there it is, dazzling and bright. "How could it not, without my pleasant company?"

"You wish," I snap at him only because I know he's right. I've just gotten used to the fact that he's always around, annoying me in every way he possibly can. That's why it's boring when he's not there. Because I'm not used to peace anymore. "Are you sure you have time for the gym before six?" I ask. "Or did you forget?"

Gojo grins even wider and leans down a little. I hate it when he does that. It makes me feel small. "Oh, I haven't forgotten."

He straightens up again as I take a step back. "Good. Now go exercise. You desperately need it," I make fun of him because honestly, if there's one person who doesn't need to go to the gym, it's Gojo Satoru. From what I can see, his body looks like a work of art, and he gets more than enough exercise as a sorcerer. This is just unnecessary.

His laugh makes me roll my eyes, and I step into the elevator, then push him out. His body even feels like work of art. God, this man is infuriating. Who gave him the right to mix those looks with that personality? A demon, that's for sure.

"Your robe is loose," Gojo says to me before the elevator doors close.

My eyes widen, and I turn around to the large mirror. It really is! Half of my chest is out! And he didn't even say anything, that bastard! Ugh. Why exactly did I suggest dinner together? Right, because if we don't somehow manage to at least pretend to get along, Yaga will never leave us alone.

I sigh, step out of the elevator, and wander down the hallway like a ghost. I pull my key card out of my bathrobe and unlock my door to room 307, but I don't open it and don't step in. I just stand there, waiting for something, thinking about something. My eyes have their own will when they move a few doors down to room 313 - Gojo's room, the room I woke up in this morning. This is going to be a stressful dinner. Maybe I'll have to book another massage for tomorrow.

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